DKhadoop installation and configuration detailed tutorial and FAQ solutions last week respectively on DKhadoop installation and configuration of the server operating system to write two shared articles, this is my first attempt to write a systematic share of the article, there will be a lot of omissions, but also hope to forgive me. DKHadoop installation and FAQ solutions are shared today. First of all, I would like to share the installation steps of DKHadoop: (1) Start installation steps: Run the following command. Run the CD /root/dkhplantform /dkh-tomcat-7.0.56/bin/./ command. (2) After the login is successful, enter the IP address of the active node in the browser. Username:admin Password: 123456 Install components as prompted. (3) You are advised to use the default installation path of components, that is, /opt/ DKH /. Do not set the installation path of components, such as /root/, to avoid installation problems

  1. If the HDFS ZKFC has any of the following problems, perform the following operations:

  1. Hadoopzk: HDFS zKfc-formatzk
  2. To start zk, run the./ start ZKFC command in sbin
  3. Set namenode for failover: HDFS haadmin -failover nn1 nn2
  1. If the hue page cannot be opened and the following information is displayed, the Hue database has not been created. Run this file on the active node and enter Y as prompted

CD/opt/DKH/hue – 3.12.0 / build/env/bin

/hue Syncdb then enter no

./hue migrate

  1. If the Essql page fails to be opened and the following information is displayed, perform the following operations to resolve the problem: (1) Run the following command on the active node: Source /etc/profile, and restart Tomcat (note that after the shutdown command is used, if there are related processes, you need to kill them manually). This is suitable for situations where environment variables do not take effect. For example, the Version of Java is 1.7, not 1.8. HDFS related commands are not identified. (2) Restart Tomcat. If multiple Tomcat processes exist after the shutdown command is used, you need to manually kill them.