
As described in previous articles, you can also see some configuration references in Djangos configuration file Settings. Such as INSTALLED_APPS, MIDDLEWARE, and ROOT_URLCONF.

So how does this configuration module work?


This is generally recommended with reference to the Django configuration

from django.conf import settings
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Rather than

from proj import settings
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If you use the second form, Settings references other modules, which can cause circular references. In the first form, Django uses a lazy loading mechanism (loading only when needed).

Details can be viewed through the source code.

To understand

settings = LazySettings()

class LazySettings(LazyObject):
    def _setup(self, name=None):
        Extract the Settings module path from the environment variable
        settings_module = os.environ.get(ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE)
        self._wrapped = Settings(settings_module)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """ returns the set value and caches it in __dict__ """
        if self._wrapped is empty:
        val = getattr(self._wrapped, name)
        self.__dict__[name] = val
        return val

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name == '_wrapped':
            self.__dict__.pop(name, None)
        super().__setattr__(name, value)

    ... # omit other functions
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Lazy loading is when you need it. Django implements this mechanism through the proxy class LazyObject. The loading function is _setup, which is loaded when a property is acquired and cached in the instance’s __dict__.

LazySettings inherits From LazyObject and overrides __setattr__ and __getattr__, assuming that the __getattr__ method implementation is called when the settings.DEBUG property is called.

From there, we can observe that all attributes are retrieved from the _wrapped (Settings(settings_module) instance) private attribute.

Configuration is loaded

We saw above that the path to the Settings module is extracted from the environment variable, and the _wrapped attribute points to an instance of the Settings class.

class Settings:
    def __init__(self, settings_module):
        Read the default configuration
        for setting in dir(global_settings):
            if setting.isupper():
                setattr(self, setting, getattr(global_settings, setting))

        # Config module
        self.SETTINGS_MODULE = settings_module

        # dynamic import
        mod = importlib.import_module(self.SETTINGS_MODULE)

        tuple_settings = (
        self._explicit_settings = set()
        # Read properties under config module (may override some default configurations)
        for setting in dir(mod):
            if setting.isupper():
                setting_value = getattr(mod, setting)
                setattr(self, setting, setting_value)
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If _wrapped is empty, the _setup method is called. This method gets the configuration file module internally. The _wrapped property points to an instance of the Settings class. When instantiated, the constructor reads global_settings to set some default properties, then loads the configuration module’s properties in the form of a dynamically imported module importlib.import_module, which reads the properties from _wrapped.