Today, when developing systems using the VUE framework, you need to use the back-end interface, but the interface has not been developed. I wanted to build a simple API service in the simplest way possible. Since I prefer the Django framework, I wondered if I could build a simple single-file Web service like Flask using the Django framework. Sure enough, I found the excerpt to share with you.

import os
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect, JsonResponse
from django.urls import path
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string

Django configuration files, which are equivalent to configuration files, can be added and removed directly from here
The following are the simplest parameters required to start Django
    DEBUG=(os.environ.get("DEBUG"."") = ="1"),
    ALLOWED_HOSTS=["*"].# Disable host header validation
    ROOT_URLCONF=__name__,  # Make this module the urlconf
    ),  # We aren't using any security features but Django requires this setting
    MIDDLEWARE=["django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware"],)# Modeled the Model using the Dataclass decorator.
class Character:
    name: str
    age: int

    def as_dict(self, id_) :
        return {
            "id": id_,
            "age": self.age,

You can use the fields directly to construct the data to be returned
characters = {
    1: Character("Rick Sanchez".70),
    2: Character("Morty Smith".14),}# Django View section, use function Base View directly for convenience
def index(request) :
    return HttpResponseRedirect("/characters/")

def characters_list(request) :
    return JsonResponse(
        {"data": [character.as_dict(id_) for id_, character in characters.items()]}

def characters_detail(request, character_id) :
        character = characters[character_id]
    except KeyError:
        return JsonResponse(
            data={"error": f"Character with id {character_id! r} does not exist."},)return JsonResponse({"data": character.as_dict(character_id)})

# Django Route section, same as
urlpatterns = [
    path("", index),
    path("characters/", characters_list),
    path("characters/<int:character_id>/", characters_detail),

Application can be launched using software using the WSGI protocol such as UWSGi.
app = get_wsgi_application()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # introduce a command line startup function for directly launching tests, same as
    from import execute_from_command_line

Copy the code

Run the following command to start the service:

python runserver
Copy the code

You can also start using an application such as UWSGi. Use Gunicorn as follows:

gunicorn app:app
Copy the code

Hope can help you ~

More information on how to test and build Django single files can be found on the blog of Adam Johnson, a member of the Django Technical Committee and organizer of Django MeetUp UK.