Akik Look at that coder

Public account: Look at that code farmer

1. Project Introduction

In my life and work, I often translate some words on the Internet.

In that case, why not use Python to make your own translation gadget.

Mini translation tool demo copy


  • translation

  • Save translation information in TXT file

  • Empty page

2. Configure the project

  • Python3.x
  • Requests the library
  • Tkinter library

The Requests library is mainly used to get post information for youdao Dictionary translation pages

The Tkinter library is primarily used to create a GUI interface for small programs, although Pyqt5 is an option here

3. Project process

1. Import related modules

import requests
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
import tkinter as tk
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2. Define the translation function

Str1 = text1.get() # assign the value of the textbox to the interface parameter data={'doctype':'json'.'type':'Auto'.'i'Str1} # call youdao Dictionary url ="http://fanyi.youdao.com/translate"

        if r.status_code == 200:
            result = r.json()
            translate_result =result['translateResult'] [0] [0] ["tgt"]
    except RequestException:
        text2.insert('end'."Error occurred")
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3. Define save functions

def write():
    f1 = open('E:/demo/tran/save.txt'.'a+')
    f1.write(text1.get()+', '+text2.get(0.0,tk.END))
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4. Define the emptying function

def delete():
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5. Design of GUI Windows

window.title("Look at that code non translator.")
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1. Create the size and color of the text box

text1 = tk.Entry(window,width=80,bg='whitesmoke')
text2 = tk.Text(window,height=18,bg='lightgrey')

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2. Create the size and color of the text box

t_button = tk.Button(window,text='translation',relief=tk.RAISED,width=8,height=1,font='宋体',bg='red',fg='white',command=translate)
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3. Create a background image

image_file = tk.PhotoImage(file='1.jpg')
label = tk.Label(window,image=image_file)
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4. Complete the layout and set the location of each control


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5. Run the program

4. Project summary and thinking

This project uses two common Python libraries, Requests and Tkinter library, to realize the functions of translation, saving, clearing, and GUI display. On the one hand, this demo shows the process of tkinter creating GUI interface. On the other hand, it shows the requests library process for obtaining Web page POST information, which can help deepen the basic learning of Python.

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