Recently, an important event happened in the open source community. Dubbo, the most widely used open source service framework for JAVA developers in the country, quietly restarted maintenance and released 3 maintenance versions in 3 months. These three maintenance releases not only addressed a number of concerns and needs of the community, but also led to a significant increase in community activity.

Dubbo is a distributed service governance framework opened by Alibaba in 2012. It has become the most influential and widely used open source service framework in China, and the number of fork and start on Github has exceeded 10,000. The Dubbo open source community has been continuously maintained over the past few years, but due to the large user base of Dubbo, basic maintenance has not been able to fully meet the high demand of the community. With the rapid development of the internal technology of ali middleware, we can not only ensure the efficient operation of the system of the group and customers, but also transfer more energy to the whole society. Open source is alibaba Group in the technical level of the important field of empowerment.

At present, the whole Ali Group is embracing open source with higher posture and more open attitude. RocketMQ has been accepted by the Apache community as a top level project, and global open source projects such as OpenMessaging and ApsaraCache were officially announced at the Cloud Computing Conference. Dubbo was listed as a key maintenance open source project in this context.

Bloggers have been using and paying attention to DUBBO in recent years. Although the underlying architecture is perfect, there are still some compatibility issues or problems that cannot be solved by themselves, so they have been using DubboX(which is not maintained much). Now that Dubbo reboot is stable, it’s time to switch over.

So the question is: How many guys haven’t touched Dubbo yet? How many guys are big fans of Dubbo? So can Dubbo build a better distributed architecture than Spring Cloud? Alibaba group attaches so much importance to Dubbo, is it the spring of Chinese developers?

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