On a sunny day, straight wang walked back to his workstation from the water dispensary. With a glance of his shrewd little eyes, he saw that his colleague was smaller than anyone else.

“Oh my god! You’re writing source code during work time!”

“Don’t you know? We have opened source 3 projects based on Google Flutter.”

Flutter is Google’s open source cross-portable UI toolkit. In addition to excellent cross-render consistency, Flutter has a very efficient development experience and performance comparable to Native. Since the end of 2017, Xianyu has co-built with Google Flutter, which is the first mobile APP to run multiple Flutter pages online on a large scale in China.

Last year, Xianyu selected three open source projects, Fish-Redux, Flutter – Boost and flutter_aspectD, to help developers introduce flutter and scale up flutter in their applications.

  • Fish Redux is an assembled Flutter application framework based on Redux state management for building medium and large applications. TOP 1 STAR number of Flutter status management projects.

  • Flutter_boost solves the common problem of page management after Native engineering introduces Flutter. With it, any project that introduces Flutter becomes efficient and effortless.

  • To address some of the fundamental limitations of Flutter (Dart), we developed AspectD that supports section-oriented programming, allowing developers to effectively address AOP issues.

The beauty of being open source is the freedom and openness. Helping and getting to know developers by sharing code is a test of our own technical ability. We have higher standards for code, and we have the ultimate pursuit of technology. We want to excel in one area.

Want to get involved in Google’s open source project? This year idle Fish will have more in-depth and challenging projects to give back to the community, waiting for you to work together to create miracles.

Want to expand your technical boundaries in an innovative business? Xianyu, a community product with great creative space, is waiting for everyone to freestyle. In 2018, the sales of idle fish exceeded 100 billion yuan, and 61% of the people who participated in the sales were born in the 1990s. Behind the benefits of saving 4,000 tons of energy for the society, there is a trillion yuan of social value. In 2019, we continue to amaze the world with experiences, architectures, and new technologies, and we continue to travel further and further…

Now! Client/server Java/ architecture/algorithm/front-end/quality engineer, xiaoxiyu Tongtong is looking forward to your joining. Welcome you to join the team of appearance level + talent, and make the best of yourself!

* Send resumes to small idle fish →[email protected]

Join idle Fish now and become a curious programmer, a happy programmer, and an influential good programmer!

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