Differences between various declared variables

Declare a variable

+ var & function 		ES5
+ Let & Const & Class & Import         ES6No variable promotionCopy the code
Let and Const
The VO/AO variable object is stored in the current context. The pointer between the ** variable ** and the ** value ** can be changed later on request. Const does not allow changing the pointer to the + const declarationCopy the code
/*Let change the pointer variable to */
let a =12;
a = 13;
console.log(a); 	/ / = > 13

/ * - * /
/*const cannot change the pointer to */
const a = 12;
a = 13;
console.log(a);	//=>Uncaught TypeError: Assignment to constant variable

const obj = {
obj.name = 'yzl';
console.log(obj.name); 	//=>yzl

/ * - * /
const obj;	//=>Uncaught SyntaxError: Missing initializer in const declaration

/ * - * /
const fn = function (){};	// Function expression (there is no variable promotion, can only be used after creating a function); Const fn cannot be refactored later [recommended];
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Let/Const vs. Var
  • Variable ascension
  • Repeat statement
  • The relationship with GO
  • Block-level scope
  • Temporary dead zone
  • .

Let vs Var

Variable ascension

/* var can be variable promoted. Let cannot be variable promoted
console.log(a);	//=>undefined
console.log(b);	//=>Cannot access 'b' before initialization
var a = 1;
let b = 2;
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Repeat statement

/* const const const; /* const; /* const; /* const; /* const; /* const; /* const The browser bottom from the server side to get JS code (now are string) 2. The first lexical parsing (according to ECMA262), analysis completed to generate an AST syntax tree! ! 3. The bottom layer of the browser (such as C++ programs) then executes the generated syntax tree step by step
var a = 1;
var a = 2;
console.log(a); 	/ / = > 2

/ * - * /
/* The parse let error occurred during the parsing phase, so the code execution console.log(a) cannot be reached at all; Cannot output */
var a = 3;
let b = 1;
let b = 2;
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The relationship with GO

Var /function is defined in GO. Let /const/class is defined in VO/AO
var a = 1;
let b = 2;
console.log(window.a,b);	/ / = > 1, 2
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Block-level scope

/* let b; /* let b; Cannot access 'b' before initialization */
var a = 12;
let b = 13;
if(1= = =1) {console.log(a);	/ / = > 12
    console.log(b);	//=>Cannot access 'b' before initialization
    var a = 100;
    let b = 200;
    console.log(a); / / = > 100
    console.log(b); / / = > 200
console.log(a);		/ / = > 100
console.log(b);		/ / = > 13
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Temporary dead zone

/* Typeof an undefined variable is undefined */
console.log(typeof(x));	//=>undefined

/ * - * /
/ * analysis: at the time of the lexical analysis found that using the x * / ahead of time
console.log(typeof(x));	//=>undefined
let x = 1;	//=>Cannot access 'x' before initialization
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