TypeScript and JavaScript are two of the most popular scripting languages in project development. We already know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript. But what’s the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript? How do you choose a development language?

This article will compare the two languages in depth, discuss the connections and differences between the two languages, and outline the advantages of each language.

An overview of JavaScript and TypeScript


JavaScript is a lightweight interpretive scripting language that can be embedded into HTML pages and executed on the browser side. It can realize rich interaction functions on the browser side and bring users smooth and diverse user experience.

JavaScript is object – and event-driven and doesn’t need a specific locale to run on a supported browser.

The JavaScript language has the following characteristics:

  • JavaScript is a scripting language that does not need to be compiled, but embedded in HTML code that can be interpreted and executed line-by-line by the browser.
  • JavaScript is an object-based language that allows you to create objects while using existing objects. But Javascript does not support inheritance and overloading as other object-oriented languages do.
  • JavaScript has simple syntax and uses weakly typed variables.
  • JavaScript is a secure language that is executed only in the browser and does not access local hard disk data.
  • The JavaScript language is dynamic. JavaScript is event-driven and only responds to user actions.
  • JavaScript is browser-dependent, independent of operating system considerations. So JavaScript is a cross-platform language.
  • JavaScript is compatible and can be used with other technologies such as XML, REST apis, etc.


TypeScript is an object-oriented programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, containing all elements of JavaScript, loading JavaScript code to run, and extending JavaScript syntax.

TypeScript has the following features:

  • TypeScript is an open source language from Microsoft that uses the Apache license
  • TypeScript adds static types, classes, modules, interfaces, and type annotations
  • TypeScript can be used to develop large applications
  • TypeScript is easy to learn and understand

Key differences between JavaScript and TypeScript

TypeScript uses all of the code and coding concepts in JavaScript. TypeScript was created to make JavaScript development easier. For example, TypeScript uses concepts like types and interfaces to describe the data being used, which enables developers to quickly detect errors and debug applications

  • TypeScript extends the JavaScript object model both in terms of core language and in terms of molding class concepts.
  • JavaScript code can work with TypeScript without modification, and a compiler can convert TypeScript code to JavaScript.
  • TypeScript provides compile-time static type checking through type annotations.
  • Data in TypeScript requires explicit typing; JavaScript does not.
  • TypeScript provides default parameter values for functions.
  • TypeScript introduces the concept of “classes” that are not found in JavaScript.
  • TypeScript introduces the concept of modules, which encapsulate declarations, data, functions, and classes.

The advantage of the TypeScript

Here are some of TypeScript’s significant advantages over JavaScript:

1. Static input

Static typing is a feature that can detect errors as developers write scripts. Finding and fixing bugs is a pressing need for today’s development teams. With this capability, developers will be able to write more robust code and maintain it for better quality and clarity.

2. Large development projects

Sometimes you need to make small incremental changes to your code base to improve your development project. These small changes can have serious and unintended consequences, so it is necessary to reverse them. Refactoring is easier and faster using TypeScript tools.

3. Better collaboration

When you start a large project, there are many developers, and the number of garbled and error machines increases. Type safety is a feature that detects errors during coding, not at compile time. This creates a more efficient coding and debugging process for the development team.

4. Increased productivity

Clean ECMAScript 6 code, auto-completion, and dynamic input are among the factors that help make developers more productive. These features also help the compiler create optimized code.

The advantage of JavaScript

JavaScript also has some obvious advantages over TypeScript.

1. The popularity

The JavaScript developer community is still large and active, and it’s easy to find a large number of mature development projects and available resources in the community.

2. Learning curve

Because JavaScript is an early and mature language, there are still a large number of developers who stick with JavaScript, the scripting language they are familiar with, rather than learning TypeScript.

3. Local browser support

TypeScript code needs to be compiled (outputting JavaScript code), which is an additional step in TypeScript code execution.

4. No comments required

To take full advantage of TypeScript features, developers need to constantly annotate their code, which can make projects less efficient.

5. Flexibility

Some developers prefer the flexibility of JavaScript.

How to choice

TypeScript is becoming a powerful tool for developing large coding projects. The structure of its object-oriented programming language keeps code clean, consistent, and easy to debug. TypeScript is therefore more appropriate for large development projects. If you have a relatively small coding project, there seems to be no need to use TypeScript, just flexible JavaScript.