VS Code’s Go plug-in has become a project maintained by the Go team, Its making warehouse have migrated from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-go, https://github.com/golang/vscode-go, Publishers in the VS Code plug-in marketplace have also been changed from “Microsoft” to “Go Team at Google”.

As for the migration, the VS Code team stated that due to the plug-in’s rich support for the Go language features in VS Code, its functionality and popularity continue to grow, requiring more maintenance and support. Since the release of Go Modules last year, the VS Code team and the Go team have worked closely to get the plugin to support GoPLS, the official language server for Go, and are currently working on improvements to the Delve debugger.

On the other hand, moving to be maintained by the Go team means that the plug-in becomes part of the Go project, ensuring that members of the Go community are involved in every step of the project. Plug-ins currently rely on many different tools and libraries that are maintained by the community, and the VS Code team wants to work with the owners of these projects to help reduce the maintenance burden on the Go community and encourage more Gophers to get involved.