For TypeScript user

A pressing requirement for TypeScript users developing applets is the types declaration file of the wechat applets API. A number of declaration documents are available online. I also maintain a declaration file, weike-mp-types, based on the predecessors

  1. This statement file is now manually maintained by me. Generally, I will update it immediately after the update of wechat basic library.
  2. I have checked this declaration file one by one against the official documents.
  3. Most of the comments in this declaration document were also checked by myself, and I even corrected some typo in the official document.

Wechat small program API version of Promise?

Yes, I also hand-wrapped the Promise version of the apPLETS API. It’s called MPEx,(MPEx = Mini Program Extensions)

  1. This wrapper library is written based on TypeScript generics technology. So if you’re a TypeScript user, use the PROMISE version of the API wrapped in the MPEx library and still get the benefits of strong typing (type checking, auto-completion, smart documents, etc.)
  2. The Promise version of this wrapper library API, which I also handled one by one manually. In order to achieve the characteristics of 1).
  3. It also encapsulates methods that I think are more practical, such as navigateTo, Confirm, Prompt and showActionSheet. Please refer to the warehouse address above for details.

Anyway, I took the time to do the drudgery for small program developers in need. If you have a problem, send an issue.