Diary One

Sharing: product details, software recommendation, material download, work and life experience sharing

  • Occupation: Full stack Engineer -> Enterprise Architect
  • Jiangdong. me · Enterprise system · Agile system · Product, interface, front-end, testing and other specifications
  • Personality: Interest drives efficiency and cleanliness
  • Management: execute -> be sincere -> take the lead -> take the blame
  • Numerology: Nine classics of Dan, year, month and day, four zodiac signs, dragon, tiger, chicken, snake, ox, sheep, dog, horse, Pika, pig and monkey
Dribbble Standing cool zhihu Github The Denver nuggets weibo

Design details

  • Product: Dianping
  • Features: Cute emoticon will imperceptibly improve the user’s evaluation score
  • Usage scenario: Shopping and service evaluation scenarios
  • Content:
    • User psychology: Feeling troublesome and boring to evaluation and feedback
    • Evaluation feedback: basic analytical data for product and operation optimization and improvement
    • Transformation:
      1. Interactive enhancement – Cute emojis add fun to the interaction process
      2. Emotional – Close the distance between the product and the user
      3. Psychological hints (dark design) – Cute smiling faces are more liked by users than sad and crying faces, which can stimulate users’ psychological hints to improve their evaluation scores; The same dark design and Taobao payment interface close button is always placed in your difficult places

The software is recommended

  • Name: Alfred
  • Features: Efficiency
  • Platform: macOS
  • Download: Bottom of article
  • Decompression password: xclient.info
  • Win recommend: win10-win+Q, built-in search; Software everthing
  • Usage Scenarios:
    1. Files: Quickly find and open

2. Website, bookmark, APP: open quicklyCopy the code

3. Customized search: Baidu, Google, Zhihu, blog, etcCopy the code

5. Calculator, dictionary, run shell commandCopy the code

Workflow: Define a set of workflows to reduce repetitive workCopy the code

Example scenario:

The query words

  1. Web page -5 steps: open the browser – “select the input box -” “input translation -” click translation – “and wait for the translation result
  2. Apply – step 4: Open the translation application – “Enter or paste the query word -” wait for the translation result – “After the query, close (Cmd+ Q), switch (Cmd+Tab), hide (Cmd+H)
  3. Alfred:1 step, contrl+Shift+D(custom)-

Reference links:

  1. Minority. -Alfred’s Artifact instruction manual
  2. Youdao Workflow one-click translation download
  3. Zhihu – Workflow column

Material download

  • Name: Marketing, course illustrations, etc
  • Format: AI
  • Download: Bottom of article

Art rubik’s Cube daily

Test A: I have A BUG related to you (Innocent face) Development A: This is not A BUG (I am so clever, it must be wrong)

Test A: This is A BUG (hooked, tell your story) Development A: This prototype says this is A requirement change (no, need to find someone to blame)

Product A: Let me see, you can find product B (oh mom, it’s not my module, please throw the pot!)

Test A: This is balabala from user experience and common sense ~~ you will definitely change later (fortunately, I will point user experience and product thinking) development A: Silently back to the seat to reflect on life (SHIT, heart is already shivering, this is afraid to increase the workload)

Programmer feeding Guidelines:

  1. Perfect BUG description, let the development correction, first ensure that they are correct perfect
  2. Problem, not person: To address a specific problem, use “This is a problem with our software” instead of “What you wrote here is wrong.”
  3. Facts: For specific bugs, you can use data (PRD, BUG description) to explain the facts
  4. Dig history: if there is a similar problem before, you can elaborate on that problem and the consequences to the development
  5. Pull a good relationship with development at ordinary times, moderate feeding
  6. High-level intervention: in many cases, both sides are right. At this time, a third party colleague is needed to help, and this person should be able to speak (such as products), and do not make people think that they are arrogating the tiger by fox. Data and facts speak

Business related

@ rubik’s cube

  • Achievements: Ranked 12th on Github nationwide
  • Lot number: No link Project link
  • Website: in the construction, there will be the introduction and social links of each technical staff, and open source technical framework, agile development standards, administration, product, interface, testing and other standard systems

@ life

  • Web site: aitelife.com
  • Structure: Aite Rubik’s Cube (development) I Aite you (operation) Pilot Wisdom manufacturing (decoration) Aite Labor service (labor service)
  • Content: Future home service platform, building the infrastructure of decoration industry

Purpose of the article

Trigger their own learning motivation (check-in), every day to write detailed log is the fastest way to grow, sharing and teaching others is also precipitation of knowledge to meet the learning pyramid principle; The content and form of the essay will change according to your growth efficiency and effectiveness

Related to download

Tools and materials download