The problem

The Apple M1 does have great performance and a great flutter experience, but it will report an error on Ad Hoc packets:

IPA processing failed. If you search for it, it basically asks you to remove the x86 schema from the framework, but if you click on the log, you will see:

So it’s really about M1 compatibility.

To solve

There are two options

Plan 1: Change the Settings

Change this setting to iOS 13+

Xcode -- >Build Settings -- >iOS Deployment Target -- >iOS 13.0 or Later

Solution 2: Remove the problem library

  1. Open Xcode’s Window > Organizer
  2. Right click on your App > and display it in Finder
  3. Right-click the first.xcarchive file > to display the package contents
  4. Right-click on /Products/Applications > to display the package contents
  5. Remove all: lib*.dylib
  6. Try distribute app again

The end of the

If I can help you, please give me a like. Thank you.