class Solution(object): def isValidSudoku(self, board): """ :type board: List[List[str]] :rtype: bool """ for i in xrange(9): hang = board[i] lie = [] for j in range(9): lie.append(board[j][i]) for m in hang: if hang.count(m)>1 and m! ='.': return False for n in lie: if lie.count(n)>1 and n! ='.': return False for j in xrange(9): if i%3==0 and j%3==0: small = [] for p in range(i,i+3): for q in range(j,j+3): if board[p][q] ! = '.': small.append(board[p][q]) if len(small) ! = len(list(set(small))): print i,j,p,q return False return TrueCopy the code