On June 25, one month after the official launch of the commercial company SphereEx, we are pleased to announce the official release of Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta. After more than half a year of optimization and polishing, ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta version has made significant breakthroughs in DistSQL, ecological docking, plugable architecture and other highlights, and officially transformed from sub-database sub-table middleware to distributed database ecology. Welcome to test use!

5.0.0-Beta Specific release information is as follows:

New features

  1. The new DistSQL is used to load and display ShardingSphere configuration information
  2. Supports sharded Join SQL queries across different database instances
  3. Add data gateway capability to support heterogeneous database storage
  4. Supports online dynamic creation and modification of user rights
  5. Added automatic probe module

API changes

  1. The read/write split module configuration API was changed to read-write-splitting
  2. ShardingProxy 用户权限配置 API 改变为 Authority
  3. Optimize the dataSource configuration of ShardingJDBC using dataSourceClassName
  4. Automatic ShardingTable configuration policy to provide standardized built-in ShardingTable
  5. Example Remove the ShardingProxy acceptor-size configuration item
  6. Added the built-in sharding algorithm SPI to allow the user to configure the sharding algorithm by class name as with version 4.x

To enhance

  1. The startup metadata loading performance is greatly improved
  2. Greatly enhance the Oracle/used/PostgreSQL database analytical ability
  3. Support from MySQL/PostgreSQL/used/Oracle initialization loading user permissions
  4. DDL statements that support data encryption
  5. SQL that changes the full name of the table as owner is supported when sharding and encryption are used together
  6. When using SELECT * to overwrite encrypted SQL, overwrite columns to add escape characters to avoid column and keyword conflicts
  7. Support PostgreSQL JSON/JSONB/ pattern matching operator parsing
  8. MySQL/PostgreSQL CREATE/ALTER/DROP TABLESPACE statements are supported
  9. Support the PostgreSQL PREPARE, EXECUTE, and DEALLOCATE statements
  10. Support PostgreSQL EXPLAIN statements
  11. PostgreSQL START/END TRANSACTION statements are supported
  12. PostgreSQL ALTER/DROP INDEX statements are supported
  13. CREATE TABLESPACE in the PostgreSQL dialect is supported
  14. Support MySQL CREATE LOADABLE FUNCTION statement
  15. MySQL/PostgreSQL ALTER TABLE RENAME statement is supported
  16. The PostgreSQL Close command is supported


  1. New registry storage structure
  2. Removed configuration center support for Nacos and Apollo
  3. ShardingScaling Introduces ElasticJob to perform migration task processing
  4. Reconstruct storage and online update of kernel metadata information

Bug fix

  1. Fixed issue where SELECT * wildcard SQL could not be used when only read/write split
  2. Fixed the problem that the class instance does not meet the expectation when the custom sharding algorithm does not match the configuration type
  3. Fix NoSuchTableException when execute DROP TABLE IF EXISTS statement
  4. Repair the UPDATE… SET … Statement rewriting error
  5. Fix CREATE/ALTER TABLE statement foreign key reference TABLE rewriting error
  6. Fix the field verification exception in sub-query temporary table query
  7. Oracle/SQL92 SELECT… WHERE … The LIKE statement class cast is abnormal
  8. MySQL SELECT EXISTS… FROM … Statement parsing exception
  9. Fix the abnormal result of the SHOW INDEX statement
  10. Repair the SELECT… GROUP BY … Statement rewriting and merging results are abnormal
  11. Fix encrypt and decrypt CREATE TABLE statement rewriting error
  12. Fixed error in PostgreSQL Proxy reading text parameter values
  13. Fix PostgreSQL Proxy support for array objects
  14. Fix ShardingProxy Datatype conversion issues
  15. The PostgreSQL Proxy supports the numeric type
  16. Fix PostgreSQL Proxy transaction related Command Complete Tag incorrect
  17. Fixed an issue where the client might return packets that were not expected

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Community construction

The release of Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta cannot be achieved without the support and contributions of community users. Since the release of Apache ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta, a total of 41 Contributors have submitted 1574 PR. To help optimize, iterate and release ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta, thanks to our community partners.

Since ShardingSphere opened its source in 2016, it has been adhering to the concept of open and sharing to govern the community, and the community has been growing along the way. At present, the community has 200+ Contributor, the project has 14K + Star number, and nearly 170 companies have registered to use. Including China minsheng bank, China telecom wing payment (financial), sweet orange overseas station, jingdong, dangdang, jingdong mall cloud, jingdong logistics, Vipshop, drops little orange car suits, hello travel, zhongtong express, flash, ctrip travel, hornet’s nest, a good future, magic ear, tencent music, bi li bi li barrage nets, iQIYI, gather era (YY), density, vision, 5 in China 8. Tongcheng, Guazi Used car, Zhongwei Letter, IFLYtek, OPPO, VIVO, TCL, Hikvision, Ideal Car, Keep, Dingxiang Yuan, etc.

The ShardingSphere community milestone was the establishment of the business company SphereEx. The chemistry between the community, the company and the users will promote the sustainable, healthy and stable development of the community. The friendliness and openness of Apache protocol to commercial companies will also support the company to provide perfect commercial closed loop for enterprises in urgent need of business support and services, and establish business cooperation with other enterprise groups.

Again, we welcome you to test ShardingSphere 5.0.0-beta and join the community discussion!

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