Same State management

In VUEX, there are five basic personal understandings of objects by default:

  1. State (initialize data)
  2. Getter (output to external data)
  3. Mutation (method defined)
  4. Action (Output to external methods)
  5. Module (each JS file can contain four items of State getter action for unified management)

Download NPM install vuex –save The following use is only preliminary use, if you need to package can be packaged again

1. Create a store.js file
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const state={
const store=new Vuex.Store({
export default store
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2. Import it in the main. js file
import store from 'xxx' // create a new file for 1new Vue({
    store   // Add the one referenced above
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3. Use it in. Vue files
	console.log(this.$store.state.number) //this.$store.state.number = 0
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4. Use with getters to return to 1
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const state={
const getters={
    newNumber(){// the name of aaNumber is optional
        return state.number
const store=new Vuex.Store({
export default store
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5. In. Vue, obtain data through getters
	console.log(this.$store.getters.newNumber) //this.$store. Getters
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6. Cooperate with mutations, add click events and change state back to 4
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const state={
const mutations={
    aaNumber(state){// the name of aaNumber is optional
const getters={
    newNumber(){// the name of aaNumber is optional
        return state.number
const store=new Vuex.Store({
export default store
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7. Change the data via mutations under the. Vue file
  <div id='app'>
  	<button @click="a">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data accumulation<div>{{}}</div>
export default{
  methods: {a(){
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8. Use mapMutations
  <div id='app'>
  	<button @click="a">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data accumulation<div>{{}}</div>
import {mapMutations} from 'vuex'
export default{
  methods: {... mapMutations(['aaNumber'])
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9. Actions Asynchronous requests
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const state={
const mutations={
    aaNumber(state){// the name of aaNumber is optional
const actions={
    aaNumberchange(context){// the method that triggers the mutation function. Context and store have the same methods and attributes
        context.commit('aaNumber')}}const getters={
    newNumber(){// the name of aaNumber is optional
        return state.number
const store=new Vuex.Store({
export default store
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10. Actions Change data
  <div id='app'>
  	<button @click="a">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data accumulation<div>{{}}</div>
export default{
  methods: {a(){
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In real use, there is not only one store, but basically separate methods. Here we are making a decrement mainly to separate two files. Create an add.js file and a reduce.js file. Add state, mutations, actions, and getters from store.js to add.js as shown in the reduce.js file, only change ++ to —
const state={
const mutations={
    aaNumber(state){// the name of aaNumber is optional
const actions={
    aaNumberchange(context){// the method that triggers the mutation function. Context and store have the same methods and attributes
        context.commit('aaNumber')}}const getters={
    newNumber(){// the name of aaNumber is optional
        return state.number
export default {
	 namespaced: true, state,mutations,actions ,getters
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const state={
const mutations={
    aaNumber(state){// the name of aaNumber is optional
const actions={
    aaNumberchange(context){// the method that triggers the mutation function. Context and store have the same methods and attributes
        context.commit('aaNumber')}}const getters={
    newNumber(){// the name of aaNumber is optional
        return state.number
export default {
	 namespaced: true, state,mutations,actions ,getters
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12 Import the file in the store.js file
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import aa from 'xx'  // Add.js corresponds to the file path
import bb from 'xx'  //reduce.js corresponds to the file path
export default new Vuex.Store({
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13. Use in.vue files, and you can use mapState to get values
  <div id='app'>
  	<button @click="a">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data accumulation<div>{{dataA}}</div>// Add data<div>{{dataB}}</div>// Decrement data<button @click="b">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data continuously decreasing</div>
 import {mapState}  from 'vuex'
export default{ computed({ ... mapState({dataA(state){
      			return state.aa.number // Add data
      			return state.aa.number // Decrement data
           // Or data:state=>state.aa.number Number of ES6 data})})methods: {a(){
         this.$store.dispatch('aa/aaNumberchange') //aa indicates 12 modules
         this.$store.dispatch('bb/aaNumberchange') / / bb}}}</script>
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14. Use mapGetters to get the value in the getter mode
  <div id='app'>
  	<button @click="a">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data accumulation<div>{{dataA}}</div>// Add data<div>{{dataB}}</div>// Decrement data<button @click="b">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data continuously decreasing</div>
 import {mapGetters}  from 'vuex'
export default{ computed({ ... mapGetters({dataA:'aa/newNumber'.dataB:'bb/newNumber'})})methods: {a(){
         this.$store.dispatch('aa/aaNumberchange') //aa indicates 12 modules
         this.$store.dispatch('bb/aaNumberchange') / / bb}}}</script>
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15. MapActions instead of this. $store. Dispatch ()
  <div id='app'>
  	<button @click="a">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data accumulation<div>{{dataA}}</div>// Add data<div>{{dataB}}</div>// Decrement data<button @click="b">Click on the</button>// Each click will change the following data continuously decreasing</div>
 import {mapGetters,mapActions}  from 'vuex'
export default{ computed({ ... mapGetters({dataA:'aa/newNumber'.dataB:'bb/newNumber'})})methods: {... mapActions({a:'aa/aaNumberchange'}, {b:'bb/aaNumberchange'})  //a and b are methods}}</script>
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