The Creational Pattern abstracts the instantiation process of a class, separating object creation from object usage in a software module. In order to make the software structure more clear, the outside world only needs to know their common interface for these objects, but does not know their specific implementation details, so that the design of the whole system is more in line with the principle of single responsibility.

The creative pattern gives the software designer as much flexibility as possible in What to create, Who to create, and When to create. The creation pattern hides the creation details of instances of classes, making the whole system independent by hiding how objects are created and grouped together. This reduces the coupling of the system, and the user does not need to focus on the details of object creation, which is done by the associated factory. Just like when we go to the mall to buy goods, we don’t need to know how they are made, because they are made by specialized manufacturers.

There are several creation patterns.

The queue AbstractFactory pattern: provides an interface to create a family of products, each of which subclasses can produce a series of related products. At some point in the process, a user builds a complex object by breaking it down into relatively simple parts, creating them separately for their own purposes. FactoryMethod Mode: Defines an interface for creating products, and subclasses decide what products to produce. Prototype mode: You take an object as a Prototype and copy it to create multiple new instances that resemble the Prototype. Degree of importance: 3 Autonomic Singleton: A class can only generate one instance, which provides a global access point for external access to the instance, and extends the scheme to finite multiinstances. Importance level: 4

All of the above five creation patterns, except the factory method pattern, belong to the class creation pattern, and the other five belong to the object creation pattern. We will describe their characteristics, structure, and application in detail in the next tutorial.