Copyright notice: This article is the blogger’s original article, shall not be reproduced without the permission of the blogger. The author can be reached at jishuhui_2015.

In the last part of the work order system architecture design based on BPMN2.0 (PART 1), the author took you to learn about the relevant standards of BPMN2.0, which is also the fundamental part of the author to realize the work order system.

In the next two articles, I will focus on how the whole work order system implements some of the BPMN2.0 standards mentioned in the previous article and how the whole work order process is driven.

For this work order system, the author gives the design criteria is: independent and universal.

Independent means independent of any business system.

General, means that this work order system is generally applicable to the company’s business system.

At present, the company has 10 types of work orders. According to the knowledge learned in the previous part, these 10 work orders can be successively converted into their corresponding WDL files. After the process is finalized, each subsequent work order process will be carried out according to these prepared WDL.

After sorting and analysis, this work order system includes the following entities:

Here’s a focus on the top-down trunk branch.

1. Work order information contains work order number, work order subject, work order description content, priority, status, type, timeliness, etc., which are all essential basic information for data of a work order.

2. Work order task is a subject that can be executed, mainly including task ID, task name, status, timeliness, etc. The essence of the work order system is to promote the orderly execution of these work order tasks.

3. The concept of task templates needs to be understood. For example, in the assembly line of the production workshop, each node is equipped with a mold, and the raw material is poured into the mold to get a specified product. In this way, the task template is the mold on the pipeline, the product of which is the work order task mentioned above. In the work order system, several task templates are configured in advance to apply to corresponding types of tasks.

4. Template fields and field values. This is where you define which fields a task needs to render and how. The fields of a task also need to be configured in advance. As for the field values, just like the raw materials to fill the mold, there is a process of filling the field values before the work order is produced.

It is important to note that fields are divided into three types: numberic- numeric, string- string, and date- date. Considering that some fields will have more special meanings, some features of field meanings are extracted, such as URL-link and map-map.

As for field values, consider them as well. In addition to explicit field values, which can be displayed by the client, there are also implicit values, which are not displayed directly and help with explicit field values.

There is another detail that needs to be explained. In this work order system, there is also a role-based work order authorization operation. The granularity of permission of work order is refined to each task, and the permission can be subdivided into 5 items:

Read (R) : can view the work order task;

Write (W) : Can modify the work order task information;

Execution (X) : Can execute this work order task;

Assignment (a) : This work order can be assigned;

None (_) : No permission.

A char(4) field is used to represent workorder permissions, such as **rwx_** for read, write and execute, r__a for read and send orders, and **r___** for read-only.

Finally, a business flow chart is summarized as follows:

It is not difficult to see that the process of initiating work order is the entrance of the whole work order system. Secondly, the promotion of each task requires the business system to fill the template field according to the actual demand and generate work order task.

If WDL is configured with message boundary events, the business system can receive notifications from the work order system.

This paper further abstracts the business requirements of the work order system, extracts some necessary entities, and then sorts out the business process of the whole system, which is the conceptual design of the work order system. The next article will enter the link of technical implementation, after reading the realization of the whole system will have a very clear guidance.