Server Basic information about the Server

Redis_git_sha1:00000000 redis_git_dirty:0 redis_build_id:da69b07a37c06dc8 Run mode (" independent ", Standalone # Operating system info OS :Linux 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 x86_64 # 64-bit architecture ARCH_bits :64 # The underlying dependency information for compiling to run Multiplexing_api: epoll atomicvar_api: atomic - builtin gcc_version: 4.8.5 # process ID process_id: 10040 # The random value of running identifier (sentinel and cluster useful) run_id: port tcp_port df903681f11f712523e0615cd4c7e45afbf500b6 # : 6379 # the run time Uptime_in_seconds :42593 # Running duration (days) uptime_IN_days :0 # Server frequency Setting Hz :10 ConfigureD_Hz :10 # LRU_clock :7473903 # can execute the executable file: / usr/local/redis /. / bin/redis server # current reading configuration config_file: / usr/local/redis/conf/redis_6379. ConfCopy the code

Clients Client connection information

Client_recent_max_input_buffer :2 # Client_recent_MAX_output_buffer :0 # Number of blocked clients blocked_Clients :0Copy the code

Memory Memory information

Used_memory_human :834.26K # Total memory allocated used_memory_rss:8388608 Used_memory_rss_human: 8.00m # Peak memory usage USED_memorY_peak :854280 USED_memorY_peak_human :834.26K # Peak memory usage percentage Used_memory_overhead :840838 # Memory consumed during startup USED_memory_startup :791032 # Memory size occupied by data Used_memory_dataset :13442 # Memory size percentage used by data used_memory_dataset_perc:21.25% Allocator_allocated :844856 Allocator_active :1011712 Allocator_resident :3665920 # Total_system_Memory :1041199104 Total_system_memory_human: 992.96m # Lua Memory occupied by script storage used_memory_lua:37888 USed_memory_luA_human :37.00K # Not specified Used_memory_scripts :0 used_memory_scripts_human:0B number_of_cacheD_scripts :0 # Maximum memory configuration maxMemory :0 maxmemory_human:0B # Memory management policy maxmemory_policy:noeviction # ALlocator_FRAG_ratio :1.20 ALlocator_FRAG_bytes :166856 Allocator_rss_ratio: 3.62 allocator_rss_bytes: 2654208 rss_overhead_ratio: 2.29 rss_overhead_bytes: 4722688 Mem_fragmentation_ratio: 10.33 mem_fragmentation_bytes: 7576576 mem_not_counted_for_evict: 0 mem_replication_backlog: 0 Mem_clients_slaves :0 mem_clientS_normal :49694 mem_aof_buffer:0 Select mem_allocator at compile time :jemalloc-5.1.0 # Whether defrag_RUNNING exists in active state active_DEfrag_RUNNING :0 # Number of objects to be released lazyFree_PENDing_OBJECTS :0Copy the code

Persistence is related

Loading :0 Rdb_changes_since_last_save :2 # Indicates that Redis is saving RDB. Rdb_bgsave_in_progress :0 # Indicates the timestamp of the last SUCCESSFUL RDB saving Rdb_last_save_time :1550935182 # Status of last RDB operation rdb_LAST_bgSAVe_status: OK # Duration of last RDB operation in seconds Rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec :-1 # Duration of the RDB save operation in progress (if any) rdb_CURRENT_BGSAVE_TIME_sec :-1 # Size of bytes allocated for replication when writing during the last RBD save operation Rdb_last_cow_size :0 # AOF_enabled :1 # AOF_rewritE_IN_progress :0 # Once the ongoing RDB save is complete Flags that represent the AOF override operation are specified. Aof_rewrite_scheduled :0 # Duration of the last AOF rewrite operation, Aof_last_rewrite_time_sec :-1 # Duration of the ongoing AOF rewrite operation (if any) aOF_CURRENT_REwritE_TIME_sec :-1 # Status of the last AOF rewrite operation Aof_last_write_status: OK # Indicates the status of the last write to AOF. Aof_last_write_status: OK # Indicates the size (in bytes) of the last write to AOF. Aof_last_cow_size :0 # AOF Current file size aof_current_size:77 # AOF current file size aof_base_size:77 # Once ongoing RDB save is complete, Flags that represent the AOF override operation are specified. Aof_pending_rewrite :0 # AOF buffer size aof_buffer_length:0 # AOF rewrite buffer size aof_rewrite_buffer_length:0 # fsync Number of pending jobs Aof_pending_bio_fsync :0 # Delay fsync counter aof_delayed_fsync:0 # if data recovery may have these values # loading_start_time: Loading_total_bytes: total file size # loading_loaded_bytes: number of loaded bytes # loading_loaded_perc: The same values are expressed as percentages # loading_eTA_seconds: ETA completes the loadin a few secondsCopy the code

Stats tries to monitor information

Total_connections_received :1 # Total number of commands processed by the Redis server total_COMMANDS_processed :1 # Number of commands processed per second Total_net_input_bytes :34 # Total amount of data sent over the network, Total_net_output_bytes :7 # Data receiving rate per second, in KBPS immeditaneous_input_KBps :0.00 # Data sending rate per second Rejected_connections :0 # Number of Redis server connections to be rejected due to maxClients limitation Sync_full :0 # Number of times the Redis server accepts PSYNC requests synC_PARTIal_OK :0 # Number of times the Redis server rejects PSYNC requests synC_PARTIal_err :0 # Number of key expiration events expiRED_keys :0 Expired_stale_perc :0.00 expired_time_cap_reached_count:0 Evicted_keys :0 # number of successful key searches in the primary dictionary keyspace_hits:1 # Number of unsuccessful key searches in the primary dictionary keyspace_misses:0 # Number of publish/subscribe channels Pubsub_patterns :0 # The time spent on the last fork, In microseconds latest_FORK_USEC :0 # Number of cached sockets migrated migrate_cached_sockets:0 # Number of keys tracked for key expiration (for writable copies only) Slave_expires_tracked_keys :0 # Number of values redistributed during the defragmentation process Active_DEfrag_hits :0 # Number of redistributed values when the defragmentation process starts Active_defrag_misses :0 # Number of keys active_defrag_KEY_hits :0 # Number of keys that are skipped during defragmentation active_defrag_KEY_misses :0Copy the code

Replication Information about primary and secondary Replication

# Role master or slave Role: Master # Number of connected Redis slaves Connected_SLAVES :0 # Identification ID of the master during the master/slave replication process master_replid:6ea01bd968c7f14cb6de138462ddaf11930a4269 master_replid2:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # Global replication offset master_REPL_offset :0 second_REPL_offset :-1 # Indicates whether the Redis server enables replication for partial synchronization. Repl_backlog_active :0 # Indicates the size of the circular buffer for backup logs Repl_backlog_size :1048576 # Replication offset of the first byte in the backup log buffer repl_backlog_first_byte_offset:0 # Actual data length of the backup log repl_backlog_HISTlen :0 # Some additional information that may be available in the case of master/slave replication # master_host: the host name or IP address of the Redis host # master_port: the TCP port on which the Redis host listens # master_link_status: Link status (Connect/disconnect # master_last_io_SECONds_ago: Elapsed time since last interaction with Redis host, in seconds # master_sync_in_progress: # master_SYNc_LEFT_bytes: Indicates that the Redis host is synchronizing data to the slave. # master_sync_LAST_io_SECONds_ago: Indicates that the Redis host is synchronizing data to the slave. # master_SYNc_LEFt_bytes: Indicates that the Redis host is synchronizing data to the slave. The elapsed time in seconds since the last I/O operation that transmitted data during a SYNC operation # master_link_down_since_seconds: The elapsed time since the link was disconnected, in secondsCopy the code

CPU information

# 服务器耗费的系统 CPU
# 服务器耗费的用户 CPU
# 后台进程耗费的系统 CPU
# 后台进程耗费的用户 CPU
Copy the code

Cluster Cluster information

# a flag that indicates whether clustering is enabled. Cluster_enabled :0Copy the code

The Keyspace key stores space information

Db0 :keys=2,expires=0, avg_TTL =0Copy the code