The preface

This article was originally written and maintained on GIthub(@hylerrix/deno-feedly).

Deno V1.0 caught my eye when it debuted on May 13, 2020. More on the Web itself, TypeScript out of the box, various must-have widgets integrated into Deno itself, based on Rust and V8, and opens up a whole new direction of challenge…… All of the Web trends I wanted to explore were included.

So I started my Deno journey. Writing seems to be something I’m better at: since the V1 release last year, I’ve written a few basic entry-level Deno articles in the Chinese community and translated a few equally entry-level Deno articles (all with some translation licenses). @Hylerrix /deno-tutorial and @Hylerrix /awesome-deno-cn have settled everything I knew about denO in my early days. At the same time, throughout 2020, I have written nearly 12 issues of open Source Lover’s Monthly in the @ningowood/ Open-Source-magazine repository, collecting good articles and consulting to contribute to my deep understanding of open source.

As 2021 begins, I’m ready to take on more things, and my thoughts return to Deno. Maybe it would be a good idea to start the year with an in-depth study of Deno like a monthly open source fan magazine that collects good articles and advice. So today, I opened the @Hylerrix/deno-Feedly repository on Github. Deno Biweekly is used to collect and share Deno related advice, articles and more every two weeks.

The difference is that from now on, I will write technical blogs in English first (and spend a little time translating back into Chinese). It was a new experience for me, because I had never written in English before or even dared to think about it.

So anyway, welcome to the Deno fortnightly series. If there is anything inappropriate, such as the process of collecting consultation, writing or even sharing publicity, please let me know and I will try my best to deal with it. For more information, please visit… .

So here we go. (By the way, you’ll find more information about the community at the end of the issue.)


Deno 1.6 is released

Deno’s latest major release, V1.6.0, was released on December 8, 2020, introducing several important features and fixing a number of known bugs: New subcommands deno compile and deno LSP, an experimental denO that supports Mac M1 chips.

Like Deno FMT and Deno Lint, deno compile and Deno LSP have become one of the most important tools in the deno CLI.

  • deno compileIt’s done in Nodenexe,pkgA similar feature: compile a self-contained binary directly from your JavaScript/TypeScript source. There are some known problems with this tool, but there is also a good future plan to guide the way.
  • deno lspCommands implement the Language Server Protocol. LSP allows the editor to communicate data with Deno, enabling the editor to gain more advanced features such as code completion, code formatting, and even hover window documents.deno lspThe command has not been developed yet, but it has implemented many important functions of LSP. If you want to experience this command in VSCode now, you need to install the Deno (Canary) plug-in in VSCode.

In addition to that, V1.6.0 completes the migration to stricter type checking, is compatible with TypeScript’s latest stable version, V4.1, and offers a Canary Update Channel upgrade option, Deno Upgrade Canary, STD /bytes modules have been overworked (this is the first step towards making the Deno library stable).

Deno was awarded breakthrough of the Year at the JS 2020 Open Source Awards

Every year since 2018, the JavaScript Open Source Awards have chosen the most influential Open Source projects in four categories. Deno and Svelte won the Breakthrough of the Year award for 2020. Deno is a simple, secure modern JavaScript and TypeScript runtime, according to its official description. Deno is based on V8 and Rust. After two years of development, Deno finally released a major V1.0 release in May 2020 and began to get ready for production. Deno supports WebAssembly and runs in Deno applications using native libraries developed in languages that compile to WebAssembly (Rust, Go, C++, etc.).

The other three categories for 2020 went to Mock Service Worker (Most Exciting technology application), Pose Animater (Most Fun Project of the Year) and Perfume. Js (Most influential contribution to the community). There was also a productivity promotion award for Snowpack.

And more

  • Deno LSP is now officially available in Neovim.
  • [email protected] Published: Bundler works like Deno Bundle, but with the Web in mind.
  • Terminal_markdown open source: enables you to render markdown text as a string that is printed on the terminal to provide formatted output instead of just plain text.
  • [email protected] published: Convert Chinese characters to Pinyin. Used for phonetic symbols, sorting, and searching.
  • [email protected] release: Memory-friendly zip compression, decompression, and deno framework’s single file extractor.
  • [email protected]: A simple script to replace the HTML file present<deno>Tag (although you can do this with bash, why not use deno instead?) .
  • [email protected] published: powerful HTTP router and URL matcher that can be used to build Deno Web servers using Dragon.
  • [email protected] published: HTML5 Canvas on terminal, Deno written.
  • Emacs-ng issue#33: allows JavaScript in Emacs via Deno/Tokio.
  • Lume is a static website generator under Deno, similar to Jekyll or Eleventy.
  • AuthCompanion is a token-based authentication server (Deno edition) that helps developers build Web applications faster.

Good article

Deno 1.0

Dynamic languages are very useful tools. Users can use scripts to quickly and succinctly connect complex systems together and express their ideas without worrying about details such as memory management or system building. In recent years, programming languages like Rust and Go have made it easier for programmers to generate complex native code; These projects are also important milestones in the development of computer infrastructure. However, we believe it is important to have a strong scripting environment that can address multiple problem areas in your development efforts.

On May 13, 2020, Deno V1.0 was released out of the belief that JavaScript is the preferred dynamic language tool and the idea of making JavaScript tools more eco-efficient and closer to the Web itself. In fact, Deno has been under development by a number of enthusiastic contributors for nearly two years since it was announced at the JS Conf EU conference in 2018.

In this article, the Deno Land team introduces the features and progress of the first two years of Deno.

Everything you need to know before getting started with Deno

Deno is likely to be the next big thing for JavaScript developers. That doesn’t mean Node.js will be swept out the door, however. Be wary of claims that Node.js is dead or that Deno will completely replace Node.

This article is based on Deno V1.0.5, published on September 02, 2020, and introduces everything about the Deno runtime (Deno installation, basics, features, standard library, etc.).

To introduce<deno>The label

Deno is getting more attention. When TypeScript runs in Rust and V8, it is often mistaken for “new Node.js.” But after trying it, I think Deno is more than that.

Is it possible to write Deno code in HTML files, like PHP? In this most recent article, published on January 6, 2021, the idea of using the

tag in HTML, like


Video:10 things I regret about Node.js

As noted in the comments below, it is respectable for a developer to talk openly about the flaws of the software he builds. Ryan Dahl, creator of Node.js, introduced Deno for the first time at the conference. His regrets about Node.js include Promise, security, build system (GYP), package.json, node_modules, require(“module”) not having an extension, and the naming of index.js.

Video:Read Deno in 100 seconds

How to read the basic concept of Deno in a short time? You can try this.

Video:7 minutes Basic concepts of Deno

In this seven-minute video, walk you through installing and coding Deno.

The end of the

It’s been really nice writing in English so far. I hope you didn’t miss the great news above, and I hope I have more coding to do after I start the Deno Feedly series.

Different communities have different uses, if you want to exchange more knowledge about Deno or even open source itself, I have set up several chat rooms, I will meet you soon:

  • Making:… Yes, I’m going to make this warehouse more international, so we can talk about Deno here.
  • Discord:… When I first started Discord, one interesting thing was that it allowed me to write all kinds of information bots. The previous link is a permanent invitation only for the first 100 people to join (in the long run, it is unlikely to exceed that number).
  • Wechat: public account (@ningowood)).