
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use the RESTY command-line tools that come with OpenRESTy.

cd ~
export PATH=/usr/local/openresty/bin:$PATH
which resty

It’s always going to be this path.

We can check the version number with the -v option.

resty -V

If you install OpenResty using our pre-built Linux binary package, then you should install the OpenResty-Resty package.

dnf list installed openresty-resty

Because it’s not in the OpenResty main package.

Doing “Hello World” with the resty command, for example, is much easier.

resty -e 'print("Hello World")'

Notice the -e option.

Or run a Lua script on the terminal.

echo 'print("Hello World")' > hello.lua
cat hello.lua
resty hello.lua

So it’s also a great way to write new command-line applications using OpenResty.

Nonblocking I/O can also be implemented here.

time resty -e 'ngx.sleep(1) ngx.say("done")'

Let’s use the Cosocket API to connect to port 443 on

resty -e 'local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() print(sock:connect("", 443))'

Or use light threading.

resty -e 'ngx.thread.wait(ngx.thread.spawn(function () print("in thread!" ) end))'

You can also easily use Lua modules. Let’s create a Test module.

mkdir lua/
vim lua/test.lua

The lua/test.lua file looks like this.

local _M = {}

function _M.hello() print("Hello") end

return _M

We then use the -i option to add the lua/ directory to the Lua module search path.

resty -I lua/ -e 'require "test".hello()'

If there’s no -i option, it won’t be found.

resty -e 'require "test".hello()'

This is because the lua/ directory is not in the Lua module’s search path by default.

Standard Lua modules, such as, can be loaded directly.

resty -e 'local ok, stdout = require "".run([[echo ok]]) print(stdout)'

This module is used to run a small number of shell commands without blocking.

We can also define the Lua shared memory dictionary with the –shdict option.

resty --shdict 'dogs 10m' -e 'print(ngx.shared.dogs:set("age", 11))'

Multiple shared dictionaries can be defined this way.

resty --shdict 'dogs 7m' --shdict 'cats 5m' -e 'print(ngx.shared.dogs, " ", ngx.shared.cats)'

It also makes it easy to inject custom NGINX configuration code.

resty --http-conf 'lua_regex_match_limit 102400; ' -e 'print "ok"'

We can also play around with Luajit’s JIT compiler.

Let’s create a Lua script that runs hot.

echo 'local a = 0 for i = 1, 1e8 do a = a + 1 end print(a)' > bench.lua
cat bench.lua

Then disable the JIT compiler completely.

time resty -joff bench.lua

For comparison purposes, let’s check how fast it is with the JIT compiler enabled.

time resty bench.lua

Or we can use the -jv option to check the compiled Lua code path, or “traces”.

resty -jv bench.lua

Or more details, such as compiled bytecode dumps, IR code dumps, and machine code dumps.

resty -jdump bench.lua

You can find all the supported features at any time with the -h option.

resty -h

Or refer to its documentation through the “restydoc” tool.

restydoc resty-cli

If you install OpenResty from one of our pre-built binary packages, then you should install OpenResty-doc or the OpenResty-RestyDoc package.

dnf list installed openresty-doc

We’ll take a closer look at the “restydoc” tool in another dedicated video tutorial. If you enjoyed this tutorial, please subscribe to this blog site and our YouTube channel or Station B channel. Thank you very much!

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About this article and associated videos

This article and the associated videos were generated entirely automatically by our OpenResty Demo system from a very simple script file.

About the author

Yicchun Zhang is the founder of OpenRESTY ®, an open source project, and OpenRESTY Inc. Founder and CEO of the company. He has contributed many third-party modules for Nginx, quite a few Nginx and Luajit core patches, and has designed products such as OpenResty Xray.

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