Python Advanced — File Processing (IO)

A complete program generally includes data storage and reading; In the actual development, we often need to read data from external storage media (hard disk, CD, U disk, etc.), or store the data generated by the program in files to achieve “persistent” storage.

Text files and binary files

  1. Text files Text files store plain “character” text that defaults to the Unicode character set and can be opened using Notepad.
  2. Binary files Binary files store data contents in bytes and cannot be opened with Notepad. The corresponding software must be used to decode; Such as MP4, Mp3, JPG, DOC and so on.

File operation related modules

The name of the instructions
IO module File stream input and output operations
OS module Into the operating system functions, including file operation
The glob module Finds a specific file pathname that matches the rule
The fnmatch module Use modules to match file pathnames
The fileinput module Process multiple input files
Filecmp module Used for file comparison
CVS module Used for CVS file processing
Pickle and cPickle Used for serialization and deserialization
XML package For XML data processing
Bz2, gzip, zipfile, zlib, tarfile For handling compressed and decompressed files (different algorithms)

Create file object open()

The open() function is used to create file objects.

Open (filename [, opening method])Copy the code

If only the file name, it represents the file in the current directory. The file name can be entered in the full path, for example, D:\a\b. TXT.

Opening mode:

model describe
r Read mode
w Write mode, create if the file does not exist; Existing to rewrite the new content
a Append mode. If the file does not exist, create it and append to the end of the file
b Binary mode (can be used in combination with other modes)
+ Read and write modes (same as above)

Basic file writing and other operations

Three steps:

  1. Creating a file Object
  2. Write data
  3. Close the file object

[Operation] Writes data

# absolute path
# file = open(
# "D:/ study-python / 02.python 更 新 / day02-python 更 新 /code/file.txt",
# "a",
# encoding="utf-8")
# a = "wuhu!!
# file.write(a)
# file.close()

# relative path (need to change vscode configuration)
file = open("file.txt"."a", encoding="utf-8")
a = "Wuhu!!
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Introduction to common Codes

Garbled characters are encountered when operating Chinese. Coding relation:

Chinese garbled characters

The default code for Windows is GBK, and the default code for Linux is UTF-8. When we call open(), we call the operating system open folder, which is not encoded GBK by default.

Write ()/writeLines() Write data

Write (a) : Write string A to a file. Writeline (b) : Write a list of strings to a file without adding newlines.

[Operation] test

f = open(r"file.txt"."w", encoding="utf-8")
s = ["sue\n"."Jason\n"."Eason\n"."Forrest\n"]
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Results: the file. TXT

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Close () Closes the file stream

The bottom layer of the file is controlled by the operating system, so opening the file object must first display the close() method to close the file object. When the close() method is called, the buffer data is written to the file (you can also call flush() directly), and the file is closed and the file object is released.

To ensure that open file objects close properly, it is common to implement finally or with the exception mechanism to close open file objects in any case.

[Action] Use exceptions and finally to ensure file closure

    file = open(r"file.txt"."a", encoding="utf-8")
    str = "Sue, handsome ass!! \n"
except BaseException as e:
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The with statement (context management) ⭐

The with keyword (context manager) automatically manages context resources, ensures that files close properly for whatever reason you leave the with module, and automatically restores the scene when the code block is executed.

[Operation] test

arr = ["primary\n"."middle\n"."high\n"]
with open(r"file.txt"."a", encoding="utf-8") as file:
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With keeps both the open and closed operations on one side without having to close them ourselves

Text file reading

There are three ways to read a file:

  1. Read ([size]) Reads size characters in a file and returns them as the result. If there is no size parameter, the entire file is read. Read to the end of the file, returning an empty string.
  2. Readline () reads one line of content and returns the result. Read to the end of the file, returning an empty string.
  3. Readlines () text file, where each line is stored as a string in a list that is returned.

【 operation 】read() method

with open(r"file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    print( # Sue, Jason,
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Readline () method

with open(r"file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    print(f.readline())  # Sue, Jason, Eason, Forrest, primary, middle, high
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Readlines (

with open(r"file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    # [' Sue, Jason, \n', 'Eason, Forrest, \n', 'primary, middle, \n', 'high\n']
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3. Operation Practice:

with open(r"file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
    lines = file.readlines()
    lines = [
        line.strip() + "-" + str(index + 1) + "\n"
        for index, line in enumerate(lines)

with open(r"file.txt"."w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
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Reading and writing of binary files

The processing flow of binary files is the same as that of text files. You still need to create the file object first, but you need to specify binary mode to create the binary file object.


file = open(r"xxx.txt"."wb") Binary file object in writable, rewritable mode
file = open(r"xxx.txt"."ab") Binary file objects in writable, append mode
file = open(r"xxx.txt"."rb") # readable binary file object
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After the file is created, you can use write() and read() to read and write the file

[Operation] Copy a binary file

with open(r"cat.gif"."rb") as f:  The binary file to copy
    with open(r"copy_one.gif"."wb") as w:  # Copied binary file
        for line in f.readlines():
print("Copy over")
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Common properties and methods for file objects

File objects encapsulate file-related operations. The following illustrates common attributes and methods


attribute instructions
name Returns the name of the file
mode Returns the open mode of the file
closed Returns True if the file is closed

Open mode of file object:

model instructions
r If the file does not exist, an exception is thrown
w In write mode, the existing files are cleared
x Write mode, creates a new file, throws an exception if the file exists
a Append mode, does not overwrite the original content of the file
b Binary mode (can be combined with other modes)
t Text mode (default, omitted)
+ Read/write mode (can be combined with other modes)

Common methods for file objects:

The file name instructions
read([size]) Returns size bytes or characters read from a file. If size is omitted, read all
readline() Reads a line from a text file
readlines() Each line read from the text file is returned as a separate string object, and these objects are returned in a list
write(str) Writes the string STR content to the file
writelines(s) The stringThe list ofS writes to the file without adding a newline character
seek(offset[,whence]) Move the file pointer to the new location, offset represents the location for whence:


Off means moving towards the end and negative means moving towards the beginning

whence means different things:

0: evaluates from the file header (default)

1: Starts from the current position

2: starts from the end of the file
tell() Returns the current position of the file pointer
flush() Writes the contents of the buffer to a file, but does not close the file
close() Writes the contents of the buffer to a file, closes the file, and frees the file object
truncate([size]) Deletes the current pointer position to the end of the file. If size is specified, only the first size bytes are left regardless of the position of the pointer, and the rest is deleted
writeable() Tests whether the current file is writable
readable() Tests whether the current file is readable

[Operation] Test seek method and name, mode, closed attribute

with open(r"file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8") as f:  # index -- pointer
    # e - 1
    # Jason,---2
    # Eason,---3
    # Forrest,---4
    - 5 # primary
    # middle - 6
    # high - 7
    print(  # file.txt
    print(f.mode)  # r
    print(f.closed)  # False
print(f.closed)  # True
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[Operation] Test the TRUNCate and Flush methods

# -------------flush------------------
file = open(r"file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8")
file.flush()  # write also does not write directly, but also puts data into a buffer

# ----------truncate--------------
f = open("file.txt"."a", encoding="utf-8")

f = open("file.txt"."r", encoding="utf-8")
# sue,---1
# Jason.
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Pickled serialization

In Python, an object is essentially a “block of memory that stores data.” When we need to save the data in the memory block to the hard disk, or transfer to another computer over the network. We need “object serialization and deserialization”. Serialization is used in distributed, parallel systems.

Conversion between in-memory objects and data formats (STR, bites) that are easy to persist and interact on disk or over the network can be implemented. This mechanism is called serialization and serialization

Serialization: The process of converting non-persistent and transportable objects in memory into objects that can be easily persisted and transportable.

Deserialization: The process of converting persistent and transportable objects to non-persistent and transportable objects.

Dumps (), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads(), loads())

Syntax format:

pickle.dump(obj,file)  # obj is the object to be serialized, and file is the storage file
pickle.load(file) Read data from file and deserialize it into objects.
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[Operation] Serialize an object to a file

import pickle
with open(r"file.txt"."wb") as f:
    name = "Dantes"
    age = 18
    arr = []

    pickle.dump(name, f)
    pickle.dump(age, f)
    pickle.dump(arr, f)
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[Operation] Deserialize the obtained data

with open(r"file.txt"."rb") as f:
    a1 = pickle.load(f)
    a2 = pickle.load(f)
    a3 = pickle.load(f)
    print(a1) # Dantes
    print(a2) # 18
    print(a3) # [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
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CSV file operation

CSV (Cooma Separated Values) is a comma-separated text format commonly used for data exchange, import and export of Excel files and database data. Unlike Excel files, in CSV files:

  • Values have no type; all values are strings
  • Font color and style cannot be specified
  • Cannot specify the width and height of cells, cannot merge cells
  • There are no multiple worksheets
  • Cannot embed graphic diagrams

The table established in Excel is:

Save as “CSV” format, the content after opening is as follows:

Read and write CSV files

  1. CSVFile reading

Remember to import the CSV package before using it

import csv
with open(r"xxx.csv"."r") as f:
    after_read = csv.reader(f)
    # print(after_read) # <_csv.reader object at 0x000001B7C5F1DAC8>
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The csv.reader() function creates an object that reads the data

  1. CSVFile writing
a1 = [5."jj".21."doctor"]
a2 = [6."gg".25."runner"]
a3 = [7."kk".31."player"]

with open(r"xxx.csv"."w") as f:
    write_csv = csv.writer(f)
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OS module (⭐)

The OS module allows us to control the operating system directly. Directly call the operating system executable files, commands, operation files, directories, and so on. It is the core foundation of system operation and maintenance

The OS invokes operating system files and commands

  • os.systemThe system function converts strings into commands to run on the server. The principle is that when each system function is executed, a sub-process is created to execute the command line on the system. The execution result of the sub-process cannot affect the main process.

【 Operation 】 Open notepad

import os
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[Operation] Invoke the ping command of the system

# Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
# Request timed out. ...
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Open CMD and Powershell

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  • os.startfileYou can open the file based on its root directory
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OS module – File and directory operations

If you need to do other things with files and directories, you can use the OS and os.path modules

Common file operations of OS module:

The method name describe
remove(path) Deletes the specified file
rename(src,dest) Renames a file or directory
stat(path) Returns all attributes of the file
listdir(path) Returns a list of files and directories under the path directory


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file_pro = os.stat("file.txt")
# os.stat_result(st_mode=33206, st_ino=3659174697668209, st_dev=1986293374, st_nlink=1, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=43, st_atime=1633682811, st_mtime=1633607574, st_ctime=1633508935)
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file_list = os.listdir("D:/")
# ['Basic-Study', 'Full-Stack-Study', 'hooks-app', 'Study-C And C++', 'Study-Deep-JavaScript', 'Study-JavaScript- Dredrel ', 'Study-Python', 'Vie-manage-system-master ',' Work ', 'Review document ']
print(  # nt --> windows; linux&unix -->posix
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Related methods of directory operation in OS module:

The method name describe
mkdir(path) Create a directory
makedirs(path1/path2/…) Creating a Multi-level directory
rmdir(path) Delete the directory
removedirs(path1/path2/…) Deleting a Multi-level Directory
getcwd() Return the current working directory: current work dir
chdir(path) Set path to the current working directory
walk() Traverse the directory tree
sep The path separator used by the current operating system


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Os. path module – Directory operation

The os.path module provides directory-related operations (path determination, path segmentation, path linking, folder traversal)

methods describe
isabs(path) Check whether path is an absolute path
isdir(path) Check whether path is a directory
sifile(path) Check whether path is a file
exists(path) Checks whether the file at the specified path exists
getsize(filename) Return file size
abspath(path) Return to absolute path
dirname(path) Returns the path to the directory
getatime(filename) Returns the last access time of the file
getmtime(filename) Returns the last modification time of the file
walk(top,func,arg) Recursive methods traverse the directory
join(path,*paths) Join multiple paths
split(path) Splits the path and returns it as a list
splitext(path) The extension to split a file from a path
print(os.path.isabs("file.txt"))  # False
print(os.path.isdir("file.txt"))  # False
print(os.path.isfile("file.txt"))  # True
print(os.path.exists("file.txt"))  # True
print(os.path.getsize("file.txt"))  # 43
# D:\\ study-python \02.Python pro \day02 -Python pro \code\file.txt
# d:\\ study -Python\02.Python pro \day02 -Python pro \code
print(os.path.getatime("file.txt"))  # 1633682811.951791
print(os.path.getmtime("file.txt"))  # 1633607574.351463
# print(os.path.join())
print(os.path.split("file.txt"))  # ('', 'file.txt')
print(os.path.splitext("file.txt"))  # ('file', '.txt')
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Walk () recursively traverses all files

OS. Walk () method:

Returns a tuple of 3 elements. (dirpath, dirnames, filenames)

  • Dirpath: lists the path of the specified directory
  • Dirnames: all favorite folders of a directory
  • Filenames: all files in the directory

Print the file name in the directory by walking up or down the directory tree. A simple and easy to use file, directory traversal, can help us efficiently deal with the file, directory things.

The walk() method syntax is as follows:

os.walk(top[, topdown=True[, onerror=None[, followlinks=False]]])
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  • top— is the address of the directory you want to traverse, and returns a triplet (root,dirs,files).
    • Root refers to the address of the folder itself that is being traversed
    • Dirs is a list of the names of all directories in that folder (excluding subdirectories)
    • Files is also a list of all files in this folder (excluding subdirectories).
  • Topdown — Optional. If this parameter is True, top directories are preferentially traversed; otherwise, subdirectories of top are preferentially traversed. (This parameter is enabled by default.) If the topDown parameter is True, walk traverses the top folder and each subdirectory in the top folder.
  • Onerror — Optional, requires a Callable object that will be called when walk needs an exception.
  • Followlinks — Optional, if True, traverses the directory that the shortcut in the directory (Linux, soft link symbolic link) actually refers to (off by default), if False, traverses the subdirectories of top first.


# os.makedirs("works/some/www")
path = os.getcwd()
# print(path)
file_lists = os.walk(path)
# print(list(file_lists))
for dirpaths, dirnames, filenames in file_lists:
    # print(dirpaths)
    # print(dirnames)
    # print(filenames)
    for dirP in dirnames:
        # print(dirP)
        print(os.path.join(dirpaths, dirP))

    for names in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirpaths, names))
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Shutil module (copy and compress)

The Shutil module is provided in the Python standard library and is used for copying, moving, and deleting files and folders. You can also compress and decompress files and folders.

The OS module provides general operations on directories or files, supplemented by the Shutil module, which provides operations such as moving, copying, compressing, and decompressing

methods describe
copyfileobj(src, dst) TXT file and write to new.txt file
shutil.copyfile(src, dct) Copy from the source SRC to DST. Of course, the premise is that the destination address is writable. The exception message thrown is IOException. It will be overwritten if the current DST already exists
shutil.copymode(src, dst) It just copies its permissions and nothing else gets copied
shutil.copystat(src, dst) Replication permission, last access time, and last modification time
shutil.copy( src, dst) Copy a file to a file or directory
shutil.copy2( src, dst) The last access time and modification time are also copied over, similar to cp -p
shutil.copy2( src, dst) If two file systems are the same, rename is the same operation. Move if it’s not on the same file system
shutil.copytree( olddir, newdir, True/Flase) Copy olddir to newdir. If the third argument is True, the directory will be copied with symbolic links in the folder. If the third argument is False, a physical copy will be generated in place of symbolic links in the copied directory
shutil.rmtree( src ) Recursively deletes a directory and all its contents
shutil.ignore_patterns(*patterns) Which file to ignore, selective copy
shutil.make_archive(base_name, format[, root_dir[, base_dir[, verbose[, dry_run[, owner[, group[, logger]]]]]]]) Create a zip package and return the file path, such as zip or tar


Shutil. Copyfileobj (SRC, DST) :

shutil.copyfileobj(open("old.txt"."r"), open("new.txt"."w"))
os.system("cat old.txt new.txt")
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You must open the file with open(” XXXX “,”x”) and write to it, otherwise copyFileobj will only copy the contents of the file

Shutil. Used by copyfile (SRC, DCT) :

os.system("cat old.txt new.txt")
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Copy from the source SRC to DST. Of course, the premise is that the destination address is writable. IOException is thrown. If the current DST already exists, the file will be overwritten. If not, the file will be overwritten

*shutil.copymode(SRC, DST, follow_symlinks=True) :

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Only files can be copied. The contents, groups, and users of files remain unchanged

*shutil.copystat(SRC, DST, follow_symlinks=True) :

os.system("stat old.txt new.txt")
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Copy file status information, the file must exist, do not change the copy time

Shutil. copy(SRC, DST, *, follow_symlinks=True) : shutil.copy(SRC, DST, *, follow_symlinks=True)

os.system("stat old.txt new2.txt")
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Copy files and status information without changing the time

Shutil. Copy2.c (SRC, DCT) :

os.system("stat old.txt new2.txt")
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Copy files and status information

Shutil. copytree(SRC, DST, symlinks=False, ignore=None) :

os.system("tree works")
os.system("tree works2")
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Symlinks =True copy only linked files. If False copy source files. Ignore = uncopied files or directories

Shutil. Rmtree (path, ignore_errors = False, onerror = None) :

os.system("ls -d works2")
os.system("ls -d works2")  # ls: works2: No such file or directory
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Shutil. Move (SRC, DST, copy_function = copy2.c) :

os.system("ls -ld works")
# drwxr-xr-x 3 SUe Administrators 0 Oct 8 17:59 works


os.system("ls -ld works")
# ls: works: No such file or directory

os.system("ls -ld works2")
# drwxr-xr-x 3 SUe Administrators 0 Oct 8 17:59 works2
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Move the file recursively, like the mv command, but rename it

Shutil. make_archive(base_name, format[, root_dir[, base_dir[, verbose[, dry_run[, owner[, group[, logger]]]]]]]) : shutil.make_archive(base_name, format[, root_dir[, base_dir[, verbose[, dry_run[, owner[, group[, logger]]]]]]]) :

Base_name: indicates the file name or path of the compressed package. If only the file name is a file name, the file is saved to the current directory. Otherwise, the file is saved to the specified directory, for example, tar_name => Save to the current directory. For example, /Users/a6/tar_name => Save to /Users/a6/ format: Compressed package type: zip, tar, bztar, gztar root_dir: path of the folder to be compressed (default current directory) owner: user, default current user group: group, default current group Logger: Used for logging, usually a logging.logger object

ZipFile module (unzip)

Zipfile is used in Python to compress and decompress zip encoding. This module is used frequently because zip encoding is very common.

Common methods:

methods describe
Is_zipfile (documents) Test filename’s file to see if it is a valid zipfile
ZipFile(filename[,mode[,compression[,allowZip64]]]) – filename: indicates a file object

-mode: optional. R, W, and A indicate the openness of different files. R read-only; W to rewrite; To add a

-compression: indicates the compression method for this zipfile. The default is ZIP_STORED, and the alternative is ZIP_DEFLATED

-allowZip64: is a bool that, when set to True, can be used to create zip files larger than 2 gb. Default: True
close() Close the ZIP file and write to it
extract(member,path=None,pwd=None) Extract a file from zip
extractall(path[,pwd]) Extract the file from the current zip file according to the directory structure in namelist and put it in the specified directory. The path of the extract will be automatically created if it does not exist, and the path must be a directory. The unzip must be a file containing all directories relative to the zip package path.
namelist() Returns a list of the paths (relative to the zip file package) of all the subfiles in the zip file. This is a list of zip internal directory structures
infolist() Returns a list of ZipInfo objects for subfiles in each ZIP file that have the fields mentioned above
printdir() Print the directory structure of the ZIP file to stdout, including the path of each file, change time and size
open(name[,mode[,pwd]]) Gets a file object for a subfile that can be used for read,readline,write, and so on
setpassword(psw) Set the password for the zip file
testzip() Read all files in the ZIP and verify their CRC checksum. Returns the name of the first corrupted file, or None if all files are complete
write(filename[,arcname[,compression_type]]) Writes a file named filename outside the zip to a child file named arcname (of course, arcname also has a path to the relative zip package). Compression_type specifies the compression format, which is also ZIP_STORED or ZIP_DEFLATED. The opening mode of Z must be W or A in order to write the file smoothly

Operation use:

# use of the zipFile module
import zipfile

Is_zipfile checks if the file is a ZIP file
print(zipfile.is_zipfile(""))  # True
print(zipfile.is_zipfile("works2"))  # False

# 2. ZipFile(filename[,mode[,compression[,allowZip64]]])
# <zipfile.ZipFile filename='' mode='r'>

# 3.close () to close the file, the end must have
z = zipfile.ZipFile(""."r")
print(z)  # <zipfile.ZipFile [closed]>

# 4. Extract (member,path=None, PWD =None) extract a file from zip
print(z.extract("works2/s.txt", path=None, pwd=None))

# 5. Extractall (path[, PWD]) extracts the file from the current zip according to the directory structure in namelist and puts it in the specified directory

# 6.namelist () returns a list of the paths of all the children in the zip file
print(z.namelist())  # ['works2/', 'works2/some/', 'works2/some/www/']

# 7.Infolist () returns a list of ZipInfo objects for subfiles in each ZIP file
# [<ZipInfo filename='works2/' external_attr=0x10>, <ZipInfo filename='works2/some/' external_attr=0x10>, <ZipInfo filename='works2/some/www/' external_attr=0x10>]

# 8.printdir () prints the directory structure of the zip file to stdout, including path, change time and size
# File Name Modified Size
# works2/ 2021-10-08 17:59:50 0
# works2/some/ 2021-10-08 17:59:50 0
# works2/some/www/ 2021-10-08 17:59:50 0

9. open(name[,mode[, PWD]]), the file object of a subfile, which can be used for read, readline, write, etc# 10.setPassword (PSW), set the zip file password

# 11.testzip () reads all files in the zip
a = z.testzip()
print(a is None)

# 12.write (filename[,arcname[,compression_type]]) writes it and the file to zip
z = zipfile.ZipFile(""."w")
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Some usage methods:

  1. Unzip the file and read it
import zipfile

z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r') The second argument is r to read the zip file, w to create a zip file

for f in z.namelist():
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  1. Compress into file to write
import zipfile, os

z = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'w') Note that the second argument here is w, where filename is the name of the compressed package

Testdir = testdir = testdir = testdir = testdir
if os.path.isdir(testdir):
    for d in os.listdir(testdir):
        z.write(testdir+os.sep+d)#os.sep is the file separator "//"
# close() must be called!
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One-click compression function:

Import the package needed for compression
import zipfile
# Import OS module
import os
# Import the os.path module
import os.path

# 1. Create a class
class ZFile(object) :
    # 2. Initialize data filename-filename; Mode - way; Basedir - Absolute path
    def __init__(self, filename, mode="r", basedir="") :
        self.filename = filename
        self.mode = mode
        If the write mode is w-write, a-append
        if self.mode in ("w"."a") :# Read zip file and set
            self.zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename,
            # If not, default
            self.zfile = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, self.mode)
        # absolute path
        self.basedir = basedir
        If not, use os.path.dirname auto-complete
        if not self.basedir:
            self.basedir = os.path.dirname(filename)

    Add a single file
    def addfile(self, path, arcname=None) :
        # Path removal //, /
        path = path.replace("/ /"."/")
        if not arcname:
            if path.startswith(self.basedir):
                arcname = path[len(self.basedir):]
                arcname = ' '
        self.zfile.write(path, arcname)

    Whether to add multiple files
    def addfiles(self, paths) :
        for path in paths:
            if isinstance(path, tuple):

    # close
    def close(self) :

    def extract_to(self, path) :
        for p in self.zfile.namelist():
            self.extract(p, path)

    def extract(self, filename, path) :
        if not filename.endswith("/"):
            f = os.path.join(path, filename)
            dir = os.path.dirname(f)
            if not os.path.exists(dir):
            self.zfile(f, "wb").write(

def create(zfile, files) :
    z = ZFile(zfile, 'w')

def extract(zfile, path) :
    z = ZFile(zfile)
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Recursive algorithm principle

Recursion is a common way to solve a problem, which is to simplify the problem gradually.

The idea is to “call itself,” a method that uses recursive techniques that call itself directly or indirectly.

The recursive structure is divided into two parts:

  • ** defines recursion headers: ** without a header will enter an infinite loop, which is also the end condition of recursion
  • ** recursive body: ** calls its own method

【 operation 】 find n!

def factorial(n) :
    if n == 1:
        return n
        return n * factorial(n - 1)

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[Operation] Output the directory tree

import os

allFiles = []

def get_all_files(path, level) :
    childFiles = os.listdir(path)
    for file in childFiles:
        filepath = os.path.join(path, file)
        if os.path.isdir(filepath):
            get_all_files(filepath, level + 1)
        allFiles.append("\t" * level + filepath)

for f in reversed(allFiles):
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