• databinding –> Imageview

Pit background:

Use RecyclerView to make a list of nine grids, using Imageview display icon.

Error message:

D:\f_data\work\git\mpro_java\app\build\generated\ap_generated_sources\debug\out\com.cc.test\DataBinderMapperImpl.java:19 : : � � � � � Ҳ � � � � � � � the import com. Cc. Test. Databinding. ListItemCommonlyServerBindingImpl; : ^ � � � � � � ListItemCommonlyServerBindingImpl lambda � � : � � � � � com. Hnty. Mpro. DatabindingCopy the code


Add the following code to the Adapter

public static void getTransImageView(ImageView imageView, int res) {
Copy the code

ImgUrl =”@{model.icon_id}”