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Related series

  • Data structure series (1) – Arrays
  • Data structure series (2) – Linked lists
  • Data structure series (3) – stack
  • Data structure series (4) – Queues
  • Data structure series (6) – Heap

What is a tree

A tree is a data structure consisting of nodes joined by edges. Each tree has N nodes and n-1 edges.

  • Root: The nodes at the top of the tree are called roots;
  • Path: The sequence of nodes traversed from one node to another is called a path;
  • Parent node: a node other than the root node that points to itself is called its parent node (there is only one node);
  • Child node: The node to which the current node points is called its child node (there can be more than one);
  • Siblings: Siblings are siblings that have the same parent.
  • Leaf node: the node without child node is called “leaf node”, referred to as “leaf node”.
  • Subtree: Each node can be called the root of a subtree. It and the nodes below it form a subtree.
  • Layer: the number of generations from the root node to this node;

Binary tree

A binary tree is a tree structure with a maximum of two subtrees per node. Subtrees are often referred to as “left subtrees” and “right subtrees” and are commonly used to implement binary query trees and binary heaps. Here we will focus on binary query trees;

Binary query tree

This article mainly explains the content of binary query tree, binary query tree has the following features:

  1. If the left subtree is not empty, the value of all nodes in the left subtree is less than the value of its root node.
  2. If the right subtree is not empty, the value of all nodes in the right subtree is greater than the value of its root node.
  3. The left and right subtrees are binary query trees respectively.
  4. There are no nodes with equal keys;

Node information

In addition to data, a binary query tree node contains references to its left and right child nodes

    private static class TreeNode<E{

        E data;

        TreeNode<E> leftChild;

        TreeNode<E> rightChild;

        public TreeNode(E data, TreeNode<E> leftChild, TreeNode<E> rightChild) {

            this.data = data;

            this.leftChild = leftChild;

            this.rightChild = rightChild;



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The query

  • In the while loop, the comparison starts at the root node and returns if the values are the same
  • Those smaller than the contrast node are compared with the left child node of the contrast node;
  • Those larger than the contrast node are compared with the right child node of the contrast node;
  • If the child node does not exist, the query fails.
    public TreeNode<E> find(E data) {

        TreeNode<E> curNode = root;

        int compareResult;

        while (true) {

            compareResult = data.compareTo(curNode.data);

            if (compareResult == 0) {



            if (compareResult < 0) {

                curNode = curNode.leftChild;

            } else {

                curNode = curNode.rightChild;


            if (curNode == null) {

                return null;



        return curNode;


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The newly inserted node is always a leaf node (there are no children), so just find the parent node to insert and point the left or right child of the parent node to the newly inserted node. If the current tree is empty, insert at the root node.

    / * *

* While loop to insert data,

* Better than recursion

* /

    public void insert(E data) {

        TreeNode<E> newNode = new TreeNode<>(data, null.null);

        if (root == null) {

            this.root = newNode;



        TreeNode<E> parentNode = root;

        int compare;

        while (true) {

            compare = data.compareTo(parentNode.data);

            / / the left node

            if (compare < 0) {

                if (parentNode.leftChild == null) {

                    parentNode.leftChild = newNode;


                } else {

                    parentNode = parentNode.leftChild;


            } else if (compare > 0) {

                / / right node

                if (parentNode.rightChild == null) {

                    parentNode.rightChild = newNode;


                } else {

                    parentNode = parentNode.rightChild;


            } else {

                System.out.println(String.format("The same element [%s] already exists", data));





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  • The node to be deleted is first obtained
    // Delete the parent node of the node

    TreeNode<E> parentNode;

    TreeNode<E> delNode = root;

    // Whether the node to be deleted is a left child node

    boolean isLeftNode = true;

    int compareResult;

    // Find the node to delete

    while (true) {

        parentNode = delNode;

        compareResult = data.compareTo(delNode.data);

        if (compareResult == 0) {



        if (compareResult < 0) {

            isLeftNode = true;

            delNode = delNode.leftChild;

        } else {

            isLeftNode = false;

            delNode = delNode.rightChild;


        if (delNode == null) {

            System.out.println(String.format("Delete failed, no current data [%s]", data));

            return false;



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  • Delete leaf node (no child node)

If the root node is deleted, set the root node to NULL

Otherwise, set the left or right child node corresponding to the parent node to NULL

    // Delete the leaf node

    if (delNode.leftChild == null && delNode.rightChild == null) {

        // Delete the root directory

        if (delNode == root) {

            this.root = null;

            return true;


        if (isLeftNode) {

            parentNode.leftChild = null;

        } else {

            parentNode.rightChild = null;



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  • The node to be deleted has a child node

If the root node is deleted, direct the root node to the child node of the deleted node.

Otherwise, the left or right child of the parent node of the deleted node points to the child node of the deleted node

    // If there is only one child node, get the non-empty child node

    TreeNode<E> childNode = delNode.leftChild == null ? delNode.rightChild:delNode.leftChild;

    if (delNode == root) {

        root = childNode;

    } else {

        if (isLeftNode) {

            parentNode.leftChild = childNode;

        } else {

            parentNode.rightChild = childNode;



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  • The node to be deleted has two child nodes

Generally, the position of the deleted node is replaced by the minimum worthy node of the right subtree of the deleted node, which is called the successor node.

If the successor node has a right child, the left child of the stepfather node points to the right child.

The left child of the successor node points to the left child of the deleted node.

    // There are two child nodes, first get the successor node to replace the deleted node

    TreeNode<E> successor = getSuccessor(delNode);

    if (delNode == root) {

        root = successor;

    } else {

        if (isLeftNode) {

            parentNode.leftChild = successor;

        } else {

            parentNode.rightChild = successor;



    / * *

     * @paramDelNode Specifies the element to delete

     * @returnThe subsequent nodes

* /

    private TreeNode<E> getSuccessor(TreeNode<E> delNode) {

        // Subsequent nodes

        TreeNode<E> successor = delNode;

        // The parent of the successor node

        TreeNode<E> successorParent = delNode;

        TreeNode<E> curNode = delNode.rightChild;

        while(curNode ! =null) {

            successorParent = successor;

            successor = curNode;

            curNode = curNode.leftChild;


        // The right node of the deleted node has a left child node

        if(successor ! = delNode.rightChild) {

            // Move up the right child of the next node

            successorParent.leftChild = successor.rightChild;

            successor.rightChild = delNode.rightChild;


        // The left child of the successor node points to the left child of the deleted node

        successor.leftChild = delNode.leftChild;

        return successor;


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Performance optimization

When the inserted data is ordered, the resulting tree becomes a single-branch tree, with all nodes in a straight line and no branches, which is equivalent to a linked list (portal: linked list), and its time complexity becomes O(n). In view of this situation, we can use balance tree to deal with, such as ALV tree, red black tree.

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>>>>>> Data structure – binary query tree <<<<<<

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