A list,

The RSCMP-HDP data analysis platform includes a one-stop data processing and analysis platform for data source adaptation, ETL data processing, data modeling, data analysis, data filling and workflow.

Data acquisition method:

A. Create multiple data sources by file type

B. Connection pool multiple data sources

C, interfaces,

Second, data backfill

2. The actual business process is reflected in the workflow. In the workflow editing tool, the actual business process or steps are described in a graphical way and transformed into the standard workflow definition language format. 3. Setting of data authority and audit authority.

3. Data visualization

1, report statistics 2, built-in domain unified XML interface JSON format 4, portal, organization permissions data connection Settings: 1, /**

* function description: add < > data sources * * @ Param: [diaSource] * @ Return: com. RSCMP. HDP. Datrans.. The source domain. DiaSource * @ the Author: Steven * @Date: 2021/7/12 18:08 */ @Override public void addDiaSource(DiaSource diaSource) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("connectorType",diaSource.getDriveType()); params.put("password",diaSource.getUserPass()); params.put("name",diaSource.getName()); params.put("driverClassName",diaSource.getDriverClassName()); params.put("url",diaSource.getUrl()); params.put("username",diaSource.getUserName()); ConfigModel model = connectorChecker.checkAddConfigModel(params); manager.addConnector(model); } / functional description: * * * * new configuration < > * @ Param: [diaSource] * @ Return: com. RSCMP. HDP. Datrans.. The source domain. DiaSource * @ the Author: Steven * @Date: 2021/7/12 18:08 */ @Override public ConfigModel checkAddConfigModel(Map<String, String> params) { String name = params.get(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_MODEL_NAME); String connectorType = params.get("connectorType"); Assert.hasText(name, "connector name is empty."); Assert.hasText(connectorType, "connector connectorType is empty."); Connector connector = new Connector(); connector.setName(name); connector.setType(ConfigConstants.CONNECTOR); setConfig(connector, connectorType); / / configuration connector configuration String type = StringUtils. ToLowerCaseFirstOne (connectorType). Concat (" ConfigChecker "); ConnectorConfigChecker checker = map.get(type); Assert.notNull(checker, "Checker can not be null."); checker.modify(connector, params); // Get table setTable(Connector); // ModifyConfigModel (Connector, Params); return connector; * * *} / functional description: < > connection configuration * * @ Param: [diaSource] * @ Return: com. RSCMP. HDP. Datrans. Source. Domain. DiaSource * @ the Author: Steven * @Date: 2021/7/12 18:08 */ private void setConfig(Connector connector, String connectorType) { Class<ConnectorConfig> configClass = (Class<ConnectorConfig>) ConnectorEnum.getConfigClass(connectorType); Assert.notnull (configClass, string.format (" This connectorType :%s", ConnectorType) is not supported); try { ConnectorConfig config = configClass.newInstance(); config.setConnectorType(connectorType); connector.setConfig(config); } catch (Exception e) { // logger.error(e.getMessage()); Throw new BizException(" Get the connector configuration exception."); }}