
1. Installation environment

Two, installation steps

1. Decompression package

2. Modify the configuration

3. Start HBASE

4. Start Solr

6. Check the process

7. Enter the home page

Common mistakes

The configuration of environment variables is incorrect

Atlas online information is too little, and the same, really no nutrition. After two days of groping, ATLAS finally started successfully. Next, record the startup mode in detail. If you follow the following operations, or fail to start, you can send me a private message.

1. Installation environment


Zookeeper (atlas bring)

Kafka (atlas bring)

Hbase (atlas bring)

Solr (atlas bring)

Two, installation steps

1. Decompression package

After successfully compiling, distro/target will generate multiple tar packages in apache-atlas-sources-2.1.0-server.tar. gz and copy the package to the opt directory for execution

Tar - XZVF apache - atlas - 2.1.0 - server. Tar. GzCopy the code


2. Modify the configuration

After decompressing, go to apache-atlas-2.1.0 and modify vim conf/

Change javA_HOME and whether to use embedded hbase and Solr

Export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.8.0_191/ export MANAGE_LOCAL_HBASE=true Export MANAGE_LOCAL_SOLR=trueCopy the code

In this case, run bin/ as instructed, and my environment will report an exception.

Failed to obtain graph instance, retrying 3 times, error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not instantiate imple mentation, org. Janusgraph. Diskstorage. Solr. Solr6Index error under Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Cannot connect to cluster at localhost:2181: cluster not found/not readyCopy the code

Zk node cannot be found because Zk is started when HBASE is started, so we will start it separately and see what the problem is.

3. Start HBASE

Go to the atlas directory and run

Copy the code

Execute JPS and take a look at the process

18309 HMaster

If HMaster exists, hbase has been started

4. Start Solr

Start the solr

Execute the following command,

Solr /bin/solr start -c -z -p 8983 -forceCopy the code

Change the ZK address and port based on the actual situation. I directly start the ZK using HBASE. It’s also local.

Create an index node, or an error will be reported when started

solr/bin/solr  create -c fulltext_index -force -d conf/solr/ 
solr/bin/solr  create -c edge_index -force -d conf/solr/   
solr/bin/solr  create -c vertex_index -force -d conf/solr/
Copy the code

5. Start ALTAS

Bin / is executed, and a lot of data is written, which takes about a few minutes to start

ZK can’t be connected until it is fully started

Session 0x0 for server null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and attempting reconnect (ClientCnxn$SendThread:1102) Connection refused
Copy the code

You only need to run bin/ to start hbase and Solr

6. Check the process

The JPS – LM service starts normally

If the preceding three processes exist, the service is successfully started.

7. Enter the home page

Enter http://ip:21000 and password admin/admin to go to the home page

Common mistakes

The configuration of environment variables is incorrect

bin/ Exception: [Errno 2] No such file or directory Traceback (most recent call last): File "bin/", line 163, in <module> File "bin/", line 73, In main File "/opt/apache-atlas-2.1.0/bin/", line 162, In expandWebApp JAR (atlasWarPath) File "/opt/apache-atlas-2.1.0/bin/", line 215, In jar process = runProcess(commandline) File "/opt/apache-atlas-2.1.0/bin/", line 251, in runProcess p = subprocess.Popen(commandline, stdout=stdoutFile, stderr=stderrFile, Shell = shell) File "/ usr/lib64 / python2.7 subprocess. Py", line 711, in __init__ errread, Errwrite) File "/ usr/lib64 / python2.7 subprocess. Py", line 1327, in _execute_child -raise child_exception OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directoryCopy the code

Solution: The JDK location configured for JAVA_HOME in conf/ is incorrect

2. ZK node is not found

java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /hbase/hbaseid

Caused by: org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoNodeException: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /hbase/hbaseid 
Copy the code

I reported a startup error when modifying the Atlas configuration to use external ZK. You can perform the preceding steps to manually start HBASE.

Alternatively, change the hbase configuration to /hbase and restart hbase

Copy the code

Kafka fails to start

org.apache.atlas.AtlasException: Failed to start embedded kafka
Copy the code

Atlas. Kafka. Zookeeper. Connect = localhost: 9026 configuration of zk port to repeat