8, functions,

Dart is an object-oriented language, so functions are objects, and functions are of type Function.

1. Basic use of functions

The parameters of a function can be divided into two categories: required and optional

Optional parameters can be classified into named optional parameters and location optional parameters

Definition method:

Name Optional parameters: {param1, param2... } Position Optional parameters: [param1, param2,...]Copy the code

1. Main function

Every application must have a top-level main function. It is an entry point to an application. The main function returns void and has an optional List argument

void main() {
Copy the code

2. Optional parameters

Optional named parameters, even if they are not passed. When defining functions, use {param1,parqm2… } specify named parameters.

void userSettings({int age,String name}){ if(age ! = null) { print('my age is ${age}'); } if(name ! = null) { print('my name is ${name}'); }}Copy the code

In the above function, we can pass age and name, draw either, or pass neither

3. Mandatory parameters

Sometimes, when we call a function, we have to pass in some parameters, and this is the case with the @required modifier. Using @required facilitates checking by a static code analyzer

void userSettings({@required int age,String name}){ if(age ! = null) { print('my age is ${age}'); } if(name ! = null) { print('my name is ${name}'); }}Copy the code

4. Optional position parameters

Use [] to mark the target as an optional positional parameter

void userSettings(int age, String name, [String interests]){ if(age ! = null) { print('my age is ${age}'); } if(name ! = null) { print('my name is ${name}'); } if(interests ! = null){print(' interest is ${interests}'); }}Copy the code

5. Default parameters

The default value is a compile-time constant, which is assigned to function arguments using =

  • Arguments can have default values, which are used if not passed in
  • Note that only optional parameters can have default values. Mandatory parameters cannot have default values
Void userSettings(int age, String name, [String interests,String sex = "male "]){if(age! = null) { print('my age is ${age}'); } if(name ! = null) { print('my name is ${name}'); } if(interests ! = null){print(' interest is ${interests}'); } if(sex ! = null){print(' gender ${sex}'); }}Copy the code

6. Functions as arguments

executeFunction(fn, [args]) {
  if (fn != null) {
    return fn(args);
Copy the code

7. Functions as variables

var say = (name){ pring(name); } say(' xiaoming ');Copy the code

Arrow function

List l1 = [1, 2];

l1.forEach((item) {

l1.forEach((item) => print(item));
Copy the code

The arrow function can have only one line and can omit the curly braces.

var l2 = l1.map((item) {
    return item % 2 == 0 ? item * 2 : item;

  var l3 = l1.map((item) => item % 2 == 0 ? item * 2 : item);
Copy the code

3. Anonymous functions

In some cases, naming a function is too cumbersome. Instead, we can use a function without a name, which can be called anonymous function, lambda or closure.

main(List<String> args) { // 1. Var movies = 'Inception ',' Interstellar ', 'Life of PI ',' Journey to the West ']; PrintElement (item) {print(item); } movies.forEach(printElement); ForEach ((item) {print(item); }); movies.forEach((item) => print(item)); }Copy the code

Execute the function immediately

Print ('my name is ${name}'); })('postbird');Copy the code

5, closures

Function getA() {int a = 0; return () { a++; print(a); }; } Function b = getA(); b(); b();Copy the code