The title

Picture 1

!!!!! Flip binary tree – force buckle

Analysis of the

We can see from the example that the so-called flipping of a binary tree is to swap the left and right nodes of each binary tree.

Here we use the GIF in the solution of LeetCode to illustrate the problem:

Picture 2

So the whole idea is simple:

  • The first step of the recursion, of course, is to find the boundary: the boundary here is naturally null by the node
  • The left and right nodes are swapped
  • Recursively traverses the left and right nodes

So implement the code as follows:

var invertTree = function (root{

  if (root === null) {

    return root;


  let temp = root.left;

  root.left = root.right;

  root.right = temp;



  return root;


Copy the code

The results are as follows:

Picture 3

!!!!! 💡 Tip: Some readers here may be confused. Wouldn’t there be chaos if the left and right nodes were swapped?

In fact, the GIF of the algorithm may have a misleading effect on the above questions. In fact, after the left and right nodes are swapped, the tree should be as follows:

Picture 4

In fact, after the nodes are flipped, their Pointers to their children remain the same, so this can be done.

To optimize the

We use a temporary variable, which in Javascript can be dispensed with entirely, using the same trick we mentioned earlier: destruct assignment:

var invertTree = function (root{

  if (root === nullreturn root;

  [root.left, root.right] = [invertTree(root.right), invertTree(root.left)];

  return root;


Copy the code

The results are as follows:

Picture 5

It’s in the back

Max Howell, author of Homebrew, was rejected for an interview at Google because he couldn’t write a flipped binary tree. When he got home, he couldn’t figure it out, so he joked about it on Twitter: So many people in your company use the software I wrote, but because I can’t write the flip binary tree to brush me off, simply * 🐕.