
Another month will soon enter September, however, in the face of this year’s environment, the difficulty of job-hopping success is much higher than in previous years, obviously feeling is: for this year’s Java developer friend job-hopping interview, ** no matter one or two interviews, are beginning to test the technical skills and foundation of a Java programmer. ** Understanding of the source code interpretation and core principles is also a plus, especially for some of the core basic knowledge of Java is not enough or no system direction of the friend interview has become a distressed thing.

Today in this share the current domestic company Java interview often asked questions including JVM, commonly used algorithms and data structures, Redis cache, distributed, Spring, micro services and so on. Is the so-called know yourself and know your enemy, only the system of knowledge consolidation, in the face of constantly updated technology to quickly master, at the same time in the interview, work can also stand out!

Due to the lack of space, I will not show all the answers here. I have sorted these questions into PDF files and shared them with those friends who need them for free. Meanwhile, it took a lot of time to sort them out

Frequently asked Java architecture interview questions

JavaOOP108 topic

1. What is THE B/S architecture? What is the C/S architecture

2. What are the development platforms for Java?

3. What is JDK? What is the JRE?

4. What are the features of the Java language

5. The difference between object-oriented and process-oriented

What is a data structure?

7. What are Java data structures?

What is OOP?

The relationship between class and object?

10. There are several data types in Java

Naming rules for identifiers.

12. The instanceof keyword

13. What is an implicit conversion and what is an explicit conversion

Can a Char type be converted to an int? Can I convert it to a string, can I convert it to a double

What is unpacking?

16. What are the wrapper classes in Java?

17. What does a Java class contain?

How do you solve the problem of errors in floating-point data operations?

19. What are the characteristics of object-oriented?


Java set 24

Multithreading and concurrency 108

1. There are several ways to implement multithreading in Java

Inherit the Thread class

3. Implement the Runnable interface.

ExecutorService, Callable, and Future have return value threads

5. Thread pool-based approach

6. Four thread pools

7. How do I stop a running thread

8. What is the difference between notify() and notifyAll()?

What’s the difference between sleep() and wait()?

10. What is volatile? Can order be guaranteed?

What is the difference between the start() and run() methods in Thread?

12. Why are wait, notify, and notifyAll not in thread?

13. Why are wait and notify called in synchronous blocks?

What is the difference between the interrupted and isInterruptedd methods in Java?

What is the difference between Synchronized and ReentrantLock in Java

The JVM questions 87

Mysql questions 84

1. Database storage engine

InnoDB (B+ tree)


4, the Memory

5. What are the database engines

6. Differences between InnoDB and MyISAM

7, index,

8. Common indexing principles are

9. What are the three paradigms of database

10. First Normal Form (1st NF – columns are non-separable)

11. Second Normal Form (2nd NF- Each table describes only one thing)

3rd NF- No transitive dependencies on non-primary key columns

A database is a transaction

14. SQL optimization

15. Explain the differences between DROP, DELETE and TRUNCate

What is a view

17. What is inner join, left outer join and right outer join?

18. What are the problems caused by concurrent transactions?

What are the transaction isolation levels? What is the default isolation level for MySQL?


Redis50 topic

Directing questions 90

Spring131 topic

1. What are the main features of Spring Framework versions?

2. What is Spring Framework?

3. List the advantages of the Spring Framework.

What are the different features of the Spring Framework?

5. How many modules are there in the Spring Framework, and what are they?

What is a Spring configuration file?

What are the different components of a Spring application?

8. What are the ways to use Spring?

What is the Spring IOC container?

What is dependency injection?

11. How many ways can dependency injection be accomplished?

Distinguish constructor injection from setter injection

How many IOC containers are available in Spring?

Distinguish between BeanFactory and ApplicationContext.

15. List some advantages of IoC.

16. Implementation mechanism of Spring IoC

17, What is Spring bean?

18. What configuration methods does Spring provide?

19. Spring supports centralized bean scopes?

What is the lifecycle of the Spring Bean container?


Data structures, algorithms interview questions

Kafka, microservices, Linux, etc., will not be shown for reasons of space…

Also due to the space, I have sorted out these questions into PDF files and shared them with those who need them for free. Meanwhile, it took a lot of time to sort them out. If you need them, add Q group: 328993819

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