Record the SpringCloud integration CXF steps

1.0 What is CXF

Apache CXF is an open source Service framework that simplifies Service development. Applications developed based on CXF can provide services such as SOAP, XML/HTTP, RESTFUL HTTP, and CORBA. CXF underlying pages can use different transport protocols, including HTTP, JMS, or JBI.

CXF 1.0.1features

  • Support for a number of Web Service standards: including SOAP, WS-I Basic Profile, WSDL, WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, and WS-Security.
  • Support for a large number of frontend programming models. CXF implements the standard JAX-WS API, and it also includes a model called simple frontend, which requires no annotation support.
  • CXF supports two development modes of Web Services:
    • Contract first: Develop by writing WSDLweb service;
    • Code first: Develop by writing Java codewebservice.

2. 0 Integration import

	<! -- cxf start -->
		<! -- cxf end -->
Copy the code

Note: The CXF version must be consistent with the SpringBoot version. Otherwise, the cxF-Spring-boot-starter-JAXWS startup project integrated with the SpringBoot version may be abnormal.

  1. Check the specific relationship in the warehouse…

3. The service side

3.1 CXF Configuration Classes

/** * <b> CXF configuration </b><br> **@author newzhong
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @sinceJDK 1.8 * /
public class CxfConfig {
    @Bean(name = Bus.DEFAULT_BUS_ID)
    public SpringBus springBus(a) {
        SpringBus bus = new SpringBus();
        bus.getFeatures().add(new LoggingFeature());
        returnbus; }}Copy the code

3.2 Publishing services

Custom annotations annotate the service classes to be published and published

/** * <p>description: automatically publish the interface address annotation </p> **@author newzhong
 * @version1.0 * /
public @interface AutoPublish {
    /** *<p>description: address </p> *@return String
     * @author newzhong
    String publishAddress(a);

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public class PublishEndpoint implements ApplicationRunner{

	private WebApplicationContext applicationConnect;
	private SpringBus bus;
	public void run(ApplicationArguments applicationArguments) throws Exception {"Start automatic publishing webService interface");
		String[] beanNames = applicationConnect.getBeanNamesForAnnotation(AutoPublish.class);
		for(String beanName : beanNames) {
			String publishAddr = applicationConnect.getType(beanName).getAnnotation(AutoPublish.class).publishAddress();
			EndpointImpl endpoint = new EndpointImpl(bus, applicationConnect.getBean(beanName));
      "Interface address: [%s]", publishAddress));
 "Automatic publishing of weBservice interface ends"); }}Copy the code

3.3 Published address yML, nacOS configuration

  path: /cxf
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The default port number followed by + splice /service can now be modified as required

3.4. Added service interfaces

Add @webService annotations to the interface

  1. @WebParamRepresents the parameters of a method. Without this annotation, the parameters of a method are all fromarg0At first, as parameters increase, name increases to arg1,arg2………. ;
  2. @WebResulT represents the return value of the method. Without this annotation, the return value is namedreturn
/** * <b> <br> *@author newzhong
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @since JDK 1.8
 * @Note* <b> create time :</b> 2021-03-27 14:32 */
@WebService( endpointInterface = "com.newzhong.IWebServiceTest", serviceName = "WebServiceTest")
@AutoPublish(publishAddr = "test")
public interface IWebServiceTest {
    Function description :webService test interface </b> *@author    newzhong
     * @version   1.0.0
     * @since     JDK 1.8
     * @paramThe name name *@return String
     * @Note* /
    String getUserService(@WebParam(name = "name")String name);
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3.5 Added service Interface implementation classes

  1. ServiceName: specifies the name of the published Service. WSDL: Service specifies the name of the Web Service. The default value is the simple name of the Java class + Service. (String)

  2. EndpointInterface: specifies the full path of the Service Interface. It specifies the Service EndPoint Interface (SEI)

  3. Name: The value of this attribute contains the name of the XML Web Service. By default, this value is the name of the class implementing the XML Web Service, WSDL: the name of the portType. The default value is the unqualified name of a Java class or interface. (string

  4. PortName: WSDL: portName. The default value is webservice. name+Port.

  5. TargetNamespace: Specifies the namespace you want, as the reverse of the package name that uses the interface implementation class

  6. WsdlLocation: Specifies the Web address of the WSDL document used to define the Web Service. The Web address can be a relative path or an absolute path. (String)

Note: You can add Webservice annotations to the interface without adding them to the implementation class

public class WebServiceTest implements IWebServiceTest{

    public String getUserService(String name) {"i am"Name),returnstr; }}Copy the code

3.6 Verifying service Publishing

Access the WSDL through a browser, and the WSDL path is the published path plus? wsdl[port number]/ CXF /test? WSDL

You can see that the interface is successful.

End of this server development!

4. The client

4.1 the IDEA according to? wsdlGenerate client

  1. Fill in the corresponding? wsdl

4.2 Test Tool Tracking? WSDL test

In the case of the SOAPUI tool, the parameters sent include XML: write the XML to