A preface

This article is about how Github customizes the repository presentation and the github homepage image. In fact, I wanted to write for a long time, but I couldn’t spare any time. Today, I wrote a special article, hoping that you can beautify your Github.

Custom display warehouse

First, we need to log on to Github; Then click on our profile picture and select you Proflie;

You can then enter the display list and see some of the default repositories displayed. Then click the options as shown below to customize the display warehouse;

After entering their own definition of the warehouse can choose you think popular or better projects as the cover of the show; On the knowledge seeker’s side, they only pick multiple;

Click OK to save, the display is as follows:

Customize personal homepage

Create a repository with the same name as your account and initialize readme.md to write your personal history, introductions, favorites, etc.

Let’s say I write a paragraph like this

Hello tourist, welcome to Github for Knowledge Seekers; Knowledge seekers are committed to sharing technical articles and constructing knowledge maps to help more people learn by themselves more easily. If you love Java back-end technology, pay attention to me, in my public number can learn a variety of technical articles, mainstream interview questions; Of course, only learning technology is far from enough, I am your spiritual life mentor; In the official account, I will also share some articles outside of technology to enrich your life experience; Increase the amount of knowledge, strengthen the brain, broaden the horizon, become an independent thinker;Copy the code

When saved, our home page is now an introduction to the ReadMe text, as shown below. Is it beautiful; Of course knowledge seekers don’t have those creative skills and simply write words;