This article has participated in the “Digitalstar Project” and won a creative gift package to challenge the creative incentive money.

Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

WangScaler: A writer with heart.

Declaration: uneducated, if there is a mistake, kindly correct.

Your home page is not the same as mine, ordinary couldn’t be more ordinary, please ignore my Github has no good projects, also has no stars.

Do you also think that other people’s Github is so cool because they paid for the VIP mode? Or are they all tech gurus who receive special attention from the authorities? That’s not true. How do people do it? Come explore Github eggs with me.

Create a project

Create a project with the same name as you by creating a new project. You will get a special prompt, as shown below:

We must follow this prompt and make the project public and then automatically generate a README to customize the homepage. Instead, if we do not want to customize the homepage, we can make the project of the same name Private.

Customize the Home Page

Edit the auto-generated README document, and the official has provided you with a section of template, but is annotated, also not cool, today I recommend you a few open source templates.

Github basic information

This can be configured according to the project github-readme-stats. You can configure your Github statistics as well as the language used.

Adjust the image by changing the URL parameters, such as theme=radical to change the theme. The documentation is clear, so choose your own parameters. My final configuration is as follows:

<p align = "center">
  <img src = " username=wangscaler&count_private=true&show_icons=true&theme=tokyonight&line_height=27">
  <img src = " username=wangscaler&theme=tokyonight">
Copy the code

Github can top 6 repOs on your profile, but with this there is no constraint and you can configure any number of items on your home page.

<p align = "center">
<a href="">
  <img align="center" src=" username=wangscaler&repo=myblog&theme=tokyonight" />
<a href=" ">
  <img align="center" src=" username=wangscaler&repo=python-wenzimaoxian &theme=tokyonight" />
<a href="">
  <img align="center" src=" username=wangscaler&repo=emqx-exproto-python-sdk&theme=tokyonight" />
<a href="">
  <img align="center" src=" username=wangscaler&repo=emqx-extension-examples&theme=tokyonight" />
Copy the code

Making active figure

This can be configured according to the github-readme-activity-graph project. There are also a number of topics available, and my final configuration is as follows:

<p align = "center">
 <img src="">
Copy the code

Github streak

Github -readme-streak-stats can be configured according to this project

<p align = "center">
  <img align = "left" src = "" width="45%">
Copy the code

I put it down here with the trophy for the look.

Making the cup

This can be configured according to the project github-profile-trophy. You can change the ranking of the trophy, you can also selectively display, the most worth exploring is the official provided a small egg, there are some secret trophies, when the trigger conditions will be acquired, you quickly go to find it.

My configuration:

<p align = "center">
  <img align = "right" src = " username=wangscaler&theme=tokyonight" width="50%" >
Copy the code

Other templates

The Awesome- profile-readme-Templates project provides a number of templates for us to use. You can find beautiful ones that you like and add them to your blog. For example, my configuration here is

<img align="right" alt="GIF" src="" width="500"/>
- 🔭 &nbsp;Hi, I'm Wangscaler. - 🤔&nbsp;You are welcome to visit my Github. - 🎓&nbsp;Although there may not be the item you need. - 💼&nbsp;But your presence will brighten the room. - 🌱&nbsp;Now that you have come, please don't be stingy with your Star. - ✍ ️&nbsp;Fork to your own repository or you may lose it. - ☕&nbsp;Since come, is you and I predestined relationship, contact me to make friends.<table>
    <tr valign="top">
      <td width="25%" align="center">
       <a href="">blog</a>
       <br><br><br>Record the knowledge</td>
      <td width="25%" align="center">
       <a href="">The Denver nuggets</a>
       <br><br><br>Technical articles</td>
     <td width="25%" align="center">
       <a href="">The game</a>
      <br><br><br>Open source game</td>
      <td width="25%" align="center">
       <a href="">CSDN</a>
       <br><br><br>Climb the pit diary</td>
</table>Copy the code

Page view statistics

Github-profile-views-counter can be configured according to the github-profile-views-counter, which will increase one every time it is refreshed.

Configuration is as follows

<p align = "center" >
  <img src = "" >
</p>Copy the code

Other tools

WakaTime is the most popular WakaTime on the web. You can use Github to configure the WakaTime. I didn’t try it, but I recommend it to you.

Random pictures

Like the picture on the right side of the profile of other templates above, I used the picture provided by the template. You can use this website to get dynamic random pictures, so that your home page is not monotonous.

The last

Since this project can only work if it is public on Github, you can also visit my Github directly to view my source code. The final effect is as follows.

If you don’t have a custom home page, go and try it!

Come all come, click “like” and then go!

Follow WangScaler and wish you a promotion, a raise and no bucket!