See a summary of the article, collection, interested in their own look, which is already will, which is not heard of, which is a little knowledge, can have a look.

I. Front-end framework Library:


  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Zepto is a lightweight JavaScript library for modern advanced browsers with an API similar to jquery. If you know how to use jquery, you know how to use Zepto. About Zepto cognition I also know through chatting with a Tencent friend, only made some basic understanding.


2.SUI Mobile

  • Address: Click on the open link
  • SUI Mobile is a UI library based on Framework7. It is very lightweight and exquisite, only need to introduce our CDN file can be used, and compatible with iOS 6.0+ and Android 4.0+, very suitable for developing cross-platform Web apps.
  • Purpose: As you can see, it is used for wireless Web App development.



  • Address: Click open link Click open link
  • Description: Node.js is a Javascript runtime environment. It’s essentially a encapsulation of the Google V8 engine. The V8 engine executes Javascript very fast and performs very well. Node.js optimizes some special use cases and provides alternative apis to make V8 work better in non-browser environments.

Node.js is a platform based on the Chrome JavaScript runtime for building fast, easily extensible web applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model to be lightweight and efficient, making it ideal for running data-intensive real-time applications on distributed devices.

Node.js is simply JavaScript running on the server.

Node.js is a platform built around the Chrome javascript runtime.

Node.js is an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment based on Google’s V8 engine, which executes JavaScript very fast and performs very well.

  • USES:

1. RESTful API

This is the ideal scenario for NodeJS, which can handle tens of thousands of connections without much logic of its own. You just need to request the API and organize the data back. It’s essentially just looking up some values from some database and putting them together into a response. Because the response is a small amount of text and the inbound request is a small amount of text, the traffic is low and a single machine can handle the API requirements of even the busiest companies.

2. Unify the UI layer of Web applications

In the current MVC architecture, in a sense, Web development has two UI layers, one in the browser that we eventually see, and the other on the server side that generates and concatenates pages.

There is no discussion of whether this architecture is good or bad, but there is another practice, service-oriented architecture, that does a better separation of dependencies at the front and back ends. If all of the critical business logic is encapsulated as REST calls, that means you only need to worry about building concrete applications with those REST interfaces at the top. Back-end programmers don’t care how data gets passed from one page to another, nor do they care whether user data updates are retrieved asynchronously through Ajax or through page refreshes.

3. Application of a large number of Ajax requests

For personalization applications, each user sees a different page, the cache fails, Ajax requests need to be made when the page loads, and NodeJS can respond to a large number of concurrent requests. In summary, NodeJS is suitable for high concurrency, I/O intensive, small business logic scenarios.



  • Address: Click to open the link
  • Description: AngularJS[1] was founded in 2009 by Misko Hevery et al., and later acquired by Google. Is an excellent front-end JS framework, has been used in a number of Google products. AngularJS has many features at its core: MVVM, modularity, automated two-way data binding, semantic tagging, dependency injection, and more.
  • Purpose: The description should give us a good idea of what AngularJS is really for, MVVM, modularity, automated two-way data binding, etc. In addition to simple DOM operations, more can reflect the powerful Js programming. Of course, the application should depend on the situation.


5.JQuery Mobile

  • Address: Click to open the link
  • Query Mobile is the version of jQuery on Mobile and tablet devices. JQuery Mobile will not only bring the jQuery core library to mainstream Mobile platforms, but will also release a complete and unified jQuery Mobile UI framework. Support global mainstream mobile platforms. “We are very excited to be working on this project,” said the jQuery Mobile team. The mobile Web desperately needs a cross-browser framework to allow developers to develop truly mobile Web sites.
  • Purpose: jQuery Mobile is a framework for creating Mobile Web applications.

JQuery Mobile works on all popular smartphones and tablets.

Jquery Mobile uses HTML5 and CSS3 to lay out the page with as little scripting as possible.



  • Address: Click on the open link
  • RequireJS aims to encourage modularity of code by using script loading steps that are different from traditional

RequireJS loads all code at an address relative to baseUrl. The top-level

  • Purpose: Modular dynamic loading.



  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Vue. Js is a library for building interactive Web interfaces. It provides MVVM data binding and a composable component system with a simple, flexible API. Technically, vue.js focuses on the view-model layer on top of the MVVM pattern and connects the view to the model through two-way data binding. The actual DOM operations and output formats are abstracted into instructions and filters. Vue.js is easier to use than other MVVM frameworks.



  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Backbone provides models, collections and views for complex Javascript applications. The model is used to bind key-value data and custom events; The collection comes with a rich API for enumerable functions; Views can declare event handlers and connect to applications through RESTful JSON interfaces.



  • Address: Click on the open link
  • React is a JavaScript library that Facebook and Instagram use to create user interfaces. A lot of people think of React as the V view of MVC. We created React to solve a problem: building large-scale applications with data that changes over time. To achieve this, React uses two main ideas.



  • Address: Click on the open link

  • Description: Ionic is both a CSS framework and Javascript UI library. Many components require Javascript to work wonders, although usually components don’t need to be coded and can be easily used through framework extensions such as our AngularIonic extension.

    Ionic follows a view-control pattern, similar to Cocoa touch frameworks in popular understanding. In view control mode, we divide different parts of the interface into subviews or subview controllers that contain other views. The view controller then “drives” the internal view to provide interaction and UI functionality. A good example is the Tab Bar view controller that handles clicking a Tab Bar to switch between a series of visual panels.

    Browse our API documentation to learn about view controllers and the Javascript utilities available in the Ionic.

    Ionic is currently the most promising HTML5 mobile app development framework. Building applications with SASS provides many UI components to help developers develop powerful applications. It uses the JavaScript MVVM framework and AngularJS to enhance the application. Providing two-way binding of data has become a common choice for Web and mobile developers.


Second, front-end UI framework


  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Description: Pure is designed to be used in any Web project. To illustrate this, we created the following templates. These templates are reactive and do not use any JavaScript.
  • Purpose: this is a very elegant style framework for building personal products and projects at work.



  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Description: simple, intuitive, powerful front-end development framework, make web development faster and simpler.



  • Address: Click to open the link
  • Easyui is a collection of user interface plug-ins based on jQuery.

Easyui provides the necessary functionality for creating modern, interactive, JavaScript applications.

You don’t have to write a lot of code to use Easyui, you can just define the user interface by writing some simple HTML tags.

Easyui is a complete framework that supports Html5 web pages perfectly.

Easyui saves you time and scale in web development.

Easyui is simple but powerful.

 4.Ant Design

  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Description: A UI design language, a set of refined and applied to enterprise-level backend products interactive language and visual system


Visual components


  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Description: ECharts is a pure Javascript graphics library that runs smoothly on PC and mobile devices, compatible with most current browsers (IE8/9/10/11, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). The bottom layer relies on the lightweight Canvas class library ZRender to provide intuitive, vivid, interactive and highly personalized data visualization charts.


2. The tableau (charge)

  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Tableau is the simplest business intelligence tool software in the desktop system, Tableau does not force users to write custom code, the new console can be completely customized configuration. On the console, you can not only monitor information, but also provide complete analytical capabilities. The Tableau console is flexible and highly dynamic.


Fourth, front-end building tools


  • Address: Click on the open link
  • Description: Easy to use

Gulp makes simple tasks simple and complex tasks manageable through a policy of code over configuration.

Build fast

With the power of Node.js streams, you can build projects quickly and reduce frequent IO operations.

The plug-in with high quality

Gulp’s strict plugin guidelines ensure that plug-ins work as cleanly and with high quality as you expect.

Easy to learn

With minimal API, mastering Gulp is effortless, and the build is all under control: like a series of streaming pipes.


Fifth, blog building

1. Technology mix

HEXO+Github, build your own blog.

Site: Click on the open link

HEXO is an open source static blog generator developed in node.js by tommy351, a university student in Taiwan

Prepare: git + node.js + markdown edit + gitcafe + domain name