Cubic V1.4.0, a one-stop problem location and solution platform, was released

The main functions of this version:

1. Add the data list used by the application center to view all deployed instances, including startup time, online duration, and last heartbeat

2. Add basic information to view basic server information, basic JVM information, startup parameters, and dependent JARS of the instance

Arthas can be woken up by remotely connecting to the server through the manager for real-time command operations

4, add thread stack monitoring can view the history of thread stack (minute level), can view the real-time application thread stack information

5. Add thread pool monitoring. You can view all thread pool information in the current JVM to discover problems in time

8. Add the global permission authentication module

7. Refactor the front-end page

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Function display

1. Instance Center (display current instance information)

2. Basic information (Click Instance – to display basic information of the current instance)

3. Dependency monitoring (Click Instance – to display the dependency package information of the current instance)

Arthas command operation

5. Thread pool monitoring

Real-time thread stack

7. History thread stack