The selector

  • The basic choice
  1. .class
.intro{} // Select all elements with class="intro"Copy the code
  1. .class1.class2
.intro1. Intro2 {} // Select all elements whose class="intro1 intro2".Copy the code
  1. .class1 .class2
Class ="class1"> <p class="class2"></ p ></ div>.class1Copy the code
  1. #id
#firstname{} // Select the element whose id="firstname"Copy the code
  1. *
*{} // Select all elementsCopy the code
  1. element
P {} // Select all <p> elementsCopy the code
  1. element.class
// Select all p elements with class="intro"Copy the code
  1. Element1 element2,
P,a{} // Select all <p> elements and <a> elementsCopy the code
  1. element1 element2
P a {} // Select all <p> contained <a> elementsCopy the code
  1. element1 > element2
P > a{} // Select <a> element because the parent element is <p>Copy the code
  1. element1 + element2
Div +p{} // Select the first <p> element immediately following the <div> element.Copy the code
  1. element1 ~ element2
P ~ ul {} // Select each <ul> element preceded by a <p> elementCopy the code
  • Attribute selection:
  1. [attribute]
[target] {} // Select all elements with the target attributeCopy the code
< a href = "" target =" _blank "> < / a > / / are selected < a href =" "target =" _top "> < / a > / / are selectedCopy the code
  1. [attribute=value]
[target=_blank]{} select all elements with a target="_blank" attributeCopy the code
< a href = "" target =" _blank "> < / a > / / selected < a href =" "target =" _blank "> < / a > / / selected < a href =" " Target ="_top"></a> // Not selectedCopy the code
  1. [attribute~=value]
[title~=flower]{} // Select all elements whose title attribute contains the word "flower".Copy the code
<img SRC ="" title="tulip flower" /> <img SRC ="" title="aaaa flower" /> <img SRC ="" title="aaaa bridge" /> / / not being chosenCopy the code
  1. [attribute^=value]
Img [title^=flower]{} // Select each <img> element whose title attribute value begins with "flower".Copy the code
< span style =" box-sizing: border-box; color: RGB (74, 74, 74); line-height: 22px; font-size: 14px! Important; word-break: inherit! Important; <img SRC ="" title="lupu Bridge "/> // Not selectedCopy the code
  1. [attribute$=value]
Img [title$=flower]{} // Select each <img> element whose title attribute value ends in "flower".Copy the code
< span style =" box-sizing: border-box; color: RGB (74, 74, 74); line-height: 22px; font-size: 14px! Important; word-break: inherit! Important; <img SRC ="" title="lupu Bridge "/> // Not selectedCopy the code
  1. [attribute|=value]
[lang | = en] {} / / choose the lang attribute value to "en" at the beginning of all elementsCopy the code
<p lang="en-us">Hi! <p lang="us">Hi! </p> // Not selectedCopy the code
  1. [attribute*=value]
A [href*=" ABC "] {} // Select each <a> element whose href value contains the substring "ABC".Copy the code
<a class="test"> This is the text in the paragraph. <div class="test"> <div class="test"> <p class="test"> This is the text in the paragraph. </p> // Not selectedCopy the code
  • Link selection:
  1. :active
A :active{} // Select the active link (being clicked)Copy the code
  1. :link
A :link{} // Select an unvisited linkCopy the code
  1. :visited
A :visited{} // Select all the links that have been visitedCopy the code

Accessed, not accessed, accessing

  • Insert content before and after:
  1. ::after
P ::after{} // Insert content after p elementCopy the code
  1. ::before
P ::before{} // Insert before the p elementCopy the code
  • Input property selection:
  1. :checked
Input :checked {} // Each selected <input> elementCopy the code
  1. :default
Input :default{} // Select the initial default <input> elementCopy the code
  1. disabled
Input :disabled{} // Each of the disabled <input> elementsCopy the code
  1. :enabled
Input :enabled{} // Each enabled <input> elementCopy the code


<input> <input>Copy the code


Input :in-range{} // Select <input> elements with values within the rangeCopy the code
  1. ::placeholder
Input ::placeholder{} // Select the input element with the "placeholder" attribute.Copy the code


Input :read-write {} // Select the input element for which the "readonly" attribute is not specified.Copy the code
  1. :required
Input :required{} // Select the input element with a "readonly" attribute.Copy the code
  1. :valid
Input :valid{} // Select all input elements with valid values.Copy the code
  1. :optional
Input :optional{} // Select the input element without the "required" attribute.Copy the code
<p> Optional input elements: <br><input></p> // Select <p> Required input elements: <br><input required></p> // UncheckedCopy the code
  1. input:out-of-range
Input :out-of-range{} // Select the input element whose value is out of the specified range.Copy the code


Input :read-only{} // Select the input element with the specified "readonly" attribute.Copy the code
<input type="number" min="5" Max ="10" value="17"> select <input type="number" min="5" Max ="10" value="7"Copy the code
  • Subclass selector
  1. :empty
P :empty{} // every <p> element with no child elementsCopy the code
<p> The first paragraph. </p> // Not selected <p></p> // SelectedCopy the code
  1. :first-child
P :first-child{} //<p> The first <p> element of the parent elementCopy the code
<div> <p> Parent element first child element. </div> </div>Copy the code
  1. ::first-letter
P ::first-letter{} // Select the first letter of each <p> elementCopy the code

  1. :first-line
P :first-line {} // Select the first line of each <p> elementCopy the code

42. :first-of-type

P :first-of-type{} // The first <p> element of the parent elementCopy the code
The < div > < p > 1111 < / p > / / selected 2222 < / p > < p > < / div > < p > this is the second paragraph. </p> // Select <p> this is the third paragraph. </p> // Not selectedCopy the code
  1. :nth-child(n)
P :nth-child(2){} // Select the <p> element of the parent element's second childCopy the code
  1. :nth-last-child(n)
P :nth-last-child(2){} // Select the <p> element of the penultimate child of the parent elementCopy the code
  1. :nth-of-type(n)
P :nth-of-type(2){} // Select parent element second <p> elementCopy the code
  1. :nth-last-of-type(n)
P :nth-last-of-type(2){} // Select the penultimate <p> element from the parent elementCopy the code
  1. :only-of-type
P :only of type // Select each <p> element whose parent element is unique.Copy the code
<! DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> p:only-of-type { background:#ff0000; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <p> This is a paragraph. </p> </div> <div> <p> </p> <p> This is a paragraph. </p> </div> </body> </html>Copy the code

  1. :only-child
P :only-child{} // Select each <p> element of the unique child of the parent element.Copy the code
<div> <p> This is a paragraph. < p> // Select </div> <div> <span> this is a span. <p> This is a paragraph. </p> </div>Copy the code
  • Other classification


A ::hover {} // Select the element over which the mouse pointer is locatedCopy the code
  1. :fullscreen
:fullscreen // the element in fullscreenCopy the code
:fullscreen { background-color: yellow; } <button onclick="openFullscreen();" </button> <button onclick="closeFullscreen();" </button> <script> var elem = document.documentElement; function openFullscreen() { if (elem.requestFullscreen) { elem.requestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) { /* Safari */ elem.webkitRequestFullscreen(); } else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) { /* IE11 */ elem.msRequestFullscreen(); } } function closeFullscreen() { if (document.exitFullscreen) { document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { /* Safari */ document.webkitExitFullscreen(); } else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { /* IE11 */ document.msExitFullscreen(); } } </script>Copy the code
  1. :not(selector)
:not(p){} // Select every element that is not <p>.Copy the code
<h1> This is the heading </h1> // Select <p> this is a paragraph. </p> // Unchecked <p> This is another paragraph. </p> // Unchecked <div> This is the text in the div element. < / div > / / selectedCopy the code

Not commonly used:


:root{} // Select the root element HTML of the documentCopy the code


::selection{} // Select the part of the element that the user has selectedCopy the code


#news:target{} // Select the currently active #news elementCopy the code

Supplement :(subclass selectors commonly used)

Odd, odd, even even

Copy the code

Use the formula (an + b). Description: indicates the length of the cycle, with n being the counter (starting from 0) and b being the offset

P :nth-of-type(3n+0){} p:nth-of-type(3n+0){Copy the code