This is the 14th day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. See details of the event: The Last Gwen Challenge in 2021.

Past links: CSS selector

“CSS Selector”


We or a piece of content, to continue our CSS selectors classification, today to introduce is the condition of our choice and state selector, selector, may develop at ordinary times contact less, but state selector, you must often, especially in the form of fill in, for example: focus, : Valid, now let’s look at what kind of selectors are available.


Conditional selector

The selector instructions
:is The node that specifies the condition
:has The node that contains the specified element
:not Element that does not specify a condition
:lang Specifies a node for the markup language
:dir() Node that specifies the direction of authoring
:where The node that specifies the condition
:scope Specify nodes as reference points
:any-link All linked nodes that contain href
:local-link All link nodes that contain href and are absolute addresses

State selector

The selector instructions
:link A link node that is not accessed
:focus Enter the focused form node
:valid Enter a valid form node
:blank Enter an empty form node
:past() Browsed nodes
:target Node of the current anchor point
:paused A media node that pauses playback
:visited The linked node that has been visited
:invalid Enter an invalid form node
:future() Unbrowsed nodes
:playing The media node that starts playback
:checked Options the selected form node
:enabled The event-enabled form node
:current() Nodes in View
:required Enter the required form node
:in-range The form node within the input range
:optional Option Optional form node
:disabled Event disables the form node
:read-only A read-only form node
:read-write Readable and writable form nodes
:user-invalid Enter a valid form node
:focus-within Nodes whose internal form elements are in focus state
:focus-visible Enter the focused form node
:out-of-range A form node outside the input range
:target-within The node where the internal anchor element is active
:indeterminate Form nodes with undetermined options
:placeholder-shown Placeholder display of the form node

Ok, that’s all for today, no line, no line, this form is shot out of sight, I’ll write it tomorrow, bye bye!!