Technical editor: Yuan Yuhan | from: no editorial office

In an interview, Qualcomm President Cristiano Amon praised Apple’s development of the M1 chip, saying that Apple’s move to ARM chip development will help the development of the entire industry. He said that Apple’s move shows that Microsoft and Qualcomm are on the right track.

Cristiano Amon credits Apple’s development of the M1 chip with boosting the industry

Qualcomm President meng through observation of the research and development of apple M1 chip, proposed the behavior confirmed the mobile user is looking forward to PC, further enhance, the growing market of mobile phone over the years, people’s attention has been drawn in the past, but the computer function is stronger than the phone, the computer for the mobile phone has a natural advantage, Apple’s development of computer chips confirms the importance of the computer market, which Qualcomm’s president believes is an important sign for the industry.

This is a sign that the ecosystem is changing and that ARM-native applications will become a trend in the future, with higher performance and greater compatibility.

Apple not only developed the M1 chip, but also started the development of an internal cellular modem

Although M1 qualcomm President meng from the perspective of industry, apple chip research and development to give reply, that promote the development of industry, and is favorable for qualcomm, but in most people’s opinion, apple’s move is in from qualcomm, qualcomm’s total revenue, the order from apple about 11%, the top qualcomm is not so optimistic.

Think back to July 2019, when Apple acquired Intel’s smartphone modem division for $1 billion, and about 2,200 Intel employees joined Apple.

Before the Intel acquisition, Apple had a large team working on its own modems, and the sale of Qualcomm’s modem division gave Apple an even bigger boost.

From the outside, this is Apple’s baseband chip industry to rely on Qualcomm, Intel and other chip makers to pay a high price for this situation.

Apple’s departure will cause Qualcomm to lose a large amount of orders, not to mention the current international situation, Qualcomm is unable to reach cooperation with Huawei, the two parties threatened, Qualcomm’s situation is more serious, so Qualcomm is really appreciative of Apple, but there is no lack of vigilance and worry.

Regardless of the dispute between the two companies, it is an indisputable fact that Apple’s research and development of the M1 chip enriches the supplier industry chain and is conducive to the further development of the industry. With the diversification of research and development companies, I hope we can all use better products.