Baklib builds your own blog or website platform with zero cost and zero foundation, making it easy to create your own personal space

Personal blog – container of life content

Nowadays, people have many channels to create and publish their own content. For example, we can choose Weibo and wechat moments to record and share simple things in life. We can also use tools such as Youdao Cloud Note and Evernote to summarize the process of learning some knowledge. In the wave of the Internet, it seems that we are no longer short of platforms to express ourselves. However, as different tools and platforms separate our own lives, It’s getting easier to leave your footprints on the Internet but it’s getting harder and harder to make those footprints into roads.


For different aspects of our different life, a variety of tools platform can bring us good practicability and convenience, but is aeriform in our life into a piece of another piece, in this respect, personal blog is our life contents of the container, the birds their attitude towards a personal blog is an independent personal space, Can record their own life dribs and drabs, when I turn back to look, I can harvest a variety of different footprints here, do not care about the number of words, no limit to the theme completely record their side of everything, happiness, sorrow, flowers, fish and insects

How to start your own blog

The value of independent blogging is freedom. Free honest valuable, free price is higher. Compared with other third-party blogs or friends, QQ space, weibo, etc., owning a blog that is under your own control from domain name, space to program will certainly give you incomparable freedom.

Baklib is an online text editing and hosting tool for people who like to write, write daily, journal and personal blogs. It is a more useful and valuable independent blogging platform for users. What’s even better is that we can template our content into beautiful interfaces that make it easier to share content and build personal brand buzz.


Product advantage

Beautiful and powerful document editing

Baklib provides a handy text editing tool that is as easy to enter as Word and doesn’t require much manipulation.


Multi-interface themes

Baklib supports a wide variety of interface theme templates that you can choose from depending on how you’re using them, making your blog design more efficient while satisfying more users.


Responsive design, easy embedding

You can record everything in Baklib and your notes will be automatically synchronized to all devices. No longer worry about finding what you want.


Privacy is preferred

From its inception, Baklib has always taken user data security and privacy as its top priority. You can set the access permission of your own site through site Settings


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