He that would do a good job must sharpen his tools

A handy development environment allows developers to focus more on architecture and code, resulting in greater productivity, ease and elegance in landing requirements.

The PHP development process is flexible and can use a wide variety of editors or integrated development environments.

For example, Vim/Notepad++ / EditPlus/SublimeText/PHPStorm/Eclipse, and even notepad.

VS Code – Redefines the editor

Today, I’m going to focus on Visual Studio Code, which is Microsoft’s open source, free Code editor that supports a variety of languages and has rich plug-in extensions.

Modify the prompt

VS Code has Git built in, so you can easily see how the current file has changed.

Documentation comments

With the PHP DocBlocker plugin, you can quickly add comments above class names, variable names, and method/function names.

Automatic completion

With the HELP of the PHP Intelephense plug-in, code intelligent hints can be implemented.

Code debugging

With the XDebug plug-in, you can debug your code.

Modify the history

With the Git Lens plug-in, you can easily view the change history of each line of code.

Code formatting

With the PHP-cs-Fixer plug-in, you can easily format your code according to certain rules, allowing you to keep your code readable and consistent.


In addition to the plugins outlined above, there are editor theme styles, Markdown, PDF/Image Readers, and more.


The above is the author in the daily development of the common VS Code features, hope to help you.

The truth is, every editor has its pros and cons, and developers need to find the best tool chain for themselves or their team on a daily basis.

Then, in the comments, tell us which development tools you currently use and why you like them.