Recently I have been working on an online teaching platform, and then I need to implement the online preview file function. Before the resource library has been using LibreOffice to achieve Office to PDF. But Libreoffice is single-threaded, so as an online teaching platform it is clearly not viable. So today we share another pure Java implementation of Office to PDF tool Aspose

  • So let’s first introduce the responsivepomConfiguration (The Maven repository does not come down due to default. Download address at the end of the article)
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Office series conversion using factory mode

  • Creating an interfaceIFileConvert
public interface IFileConvert {

    * pdf文件后缀
   String FILE_PDF_SUFFIX = ".pdf";

   default String getResultPath(String filePath, String fileSuffix){
       // What is the PDF path to return
       int i = filePath.lastIndexOf(".");
       String path = filePath.substring(0, i);
       return path + fileSuffix;
   String fileToPdf(String filePath);
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  • implementationWORDFile conversion, newWordsFileConvert
public class WordsFileConvert implements IFileConvert {

   private boolean getLicense(a) {
       boolean result = false;
       InputStream is = null;
       try {
           ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
           is = loader.getResourceAsStream("license.xml");
           License license = new License();
           result = true;
       } catch (Exception e) {
       } finally {
           if(is ! =null) {
               try {
               } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}return result;

   public String fileToPdf(String filePath) {
   	// Remove the watermark
       if(! getLicense()) {return null;
       String pdfPath = null;
       FileOutputStream os = null;
       try {
           pdfPath = getResultPath(filePath, FILE_PDF_SUFFIX);
           os = new FileOutputStream(pdfPath);
           Document doc = new Document(filePath);
 , SaveFormat.PDF);
       } catch (Exception e) {
       } finally {
           if(os ! =null) {
               try {
               } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}returnpdfPath; }}Copy the code
  • implementationPPTFile conversion, newSlidesFileConvert
public class SlidesFileConvert implements IFileConvert {

   private boolean getLicense(a) {
       boolean result = false;
       InputStream is = null;
       try {
           ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
           is = loader.getResourceAsStream("license.xml");
           License license = new License();
           result = true;
       } catch (Exception e) {
       } finally {
           if(is ! =null) {
               try {
               } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}return result;

   public String fileToPdf(String filePath) {
       if(! getLicense()) {return null;
       String pdfPath = null;
       FileOutputStream os = null;
       try {
           pdfPath = getResultPath(filePath, FILE_PDF_SUFFIX);
           os = new FileOutputStream(pdfPath);
           Presentation pres = new Presentation(filePath);
 , SaveFormat.Pdf);
       } catch (Exception e) {
       } finally {
           if(os ! =null) {
               try {
               } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}returnpdfPath; }}Copy the code
  • implementationEXCELFile conversion, newCellsFileConvert
public class CellsFileConvert implements IFileConvert {

   private boolean getLicense(a) {
       boolean result = false;
       InputStream is = null;
       try {
           ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
           is = loader.getResourceAsStream("license.xml");
           License license = new License();
           result = true;
       } catch (Exception e) {
       } finally {
           if(is ! =null) {
               try {
               } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}return result;

   public String fileToPdf(String filePath) {
       if(! getLicense()) {return null;
       String pdfPath = null;
       FileOutputStream os = null;
       try {
           pdfPath = getResultPath(filePath, FILE_PDF_SUFFIX);
           os = new FileOutputStream(pdfPath);
           Workbook workbook = new Workbook(filePath);
 , SaveFormat.PDF);
       } catch (Exception e) {
       } finally {
           if(os ! =null) {
               try {
               } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}}returnpdfPath; }}Copy the code
  • inresourcesCreating a Directorylicense.xmlfile

     <Product>Aspose.Total for Java</Product>
 <Signature>sNLLKGMUdF0r8O1kKilWAGdgfs2BvJb/2Xp8p5iuDVfZXmhppo+d0Ran1P9TKdjV4ABwAgKXxJ3jcQTqE/2IRfqwnPf8itN8aFZlV3TJPYeD3yWE7IT55Gz6 EijUpC7aKeoohTb4w2fpox58wWoF3SNp6sK6jDfiAUGEHYJ9pjU=</Signature>
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  • Enumeration of new factoriesFileConvertEnum
public enum FileConvertEnum {

    PPT("PPT".new SlidesFileConvert()),
    WORD("WORD".new WordsFileConvert()),
    EXCEL("EXCEL".new CellsFileConvert()),

    private String fileFormat;
    private IFileConvert fileConvert;

    FileConvertEnum(String fileFormat, IFileConvert fileConvert) {
        this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
        this.fileConvert = fileConvert;

    public String getFileFormat(a) {
        return fileFormat;

    public IFileConvert getFileConvert(a) {
        return fileConvert;

    public static IFileConvert getFileConvert(String fileFormat) {
        for (FileConvertEnum fileConvertEnum : values()) {
            if (fileConvertEnum.fileFormat.equals(fileFormat)){
                returnfileConvertEnum.fileConvert; }}return null; }}Copy the code
  • use
public static void main(String[] args) {
	IFileConvert fileConvert = FileConvertEnum.getFileConvert("WORD");
	String pdfUri = fileConvert.fileToPdf("/home/abelethan/Desktop/test.doc"); 
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