In various cases, you may need to upgrade your POWERPOINT presentation to PPTX to enjoy the advanced presentation features that MS Office offers. In this case, this article shows how to convert PowerPoint PPT files to PPTX using C#. It is designed to make automatic or batch conversion of PPT files to PPTX easier.

  • Convert PowerPoint to PPTX

To convert PowerPoint PowerPoint files to PPTX, we will use Aspose.Slides, a powerful and featured-rich API that allows you to seamlessly create or manipulate presentations. In addition, its built-in presentation converter allows you to convert PPT/PPTX files to other formats.

>> You can download the latest version of Aspose.Slides here.

Convert PowerPoint to PPTX

Here are the steps to convert a PPT file to PPTX in C#.

  • Use the Presentation class to load a PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Convert PPT to Pptx using (string, saveformat.pptx) method.

The following code example shows how to convert a PPT file to PPTX.

// Instantiate a Presentation object that represents the PPT file Presentation pres = new Presentation("PPTtoPPTX.ppt");  // Save the PPT presentation as PPTX pres.Save("PPTtoPPTX_out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);Copy the code

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