Controls the movement of applications on the desktop


struct pos


int x;

int y;


struct pos pos1[8] = {  { 1000, 200 }, { 1000, 300 },

{200, 600}, {660, 400},

{1300, 500}, {400, 600},

{900, 900}, {1000, 1200}



void main()

{// Class name title

HWND *win = windowa (“360WangPan_OriLogin”, “360WangPan_OriLogin”);

//HWND *win = windowa (“Notepad”, “no title – Notepad”);

if (win = NULL)




while (1)


for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)


// Set the window position size

SetWindowPos(win, NULL, pos1[i].x, pos1[i].y, 100, 200, 1);






The class name and title are from the Spy window handle capture.