As anyone who has used Netlify or Vercel knows, the experience of automatically triggering a build and updating it online can greatly improve development efficiency and reduce mental load

Similar experience can be easily obtained through Coding, and relevant practical configuration process is recorded in this paper

To prepare

Because Vue does SSR and needs to be deployed to multiple servers on the Intranet, Coding can send deployment tasks to multiple machines on the Intranet through bastion.

SPA applications can upload built resources to OSS or some other static service directly after the build is completed.

Open the team configuration page: https://${Team}

Fortress mounting machine

Copy the command to install, after successful installation you can see added to the fortress.

The main unit

Select the fortress and add the internal IP address of the host to be deployed

Avoid close login

The fortress generates a public key

Copy the code

Copy the public key to the machine to be controlled to avoid secret login

Pub [email protected] ssh-copy-id -i ~/. SSH / [email protected]Copy the code

Build tasks

Open a project, project Settings turn on continuous integration and artifacts, and then add a build task.

After successfully installing the dependency BUID, the dist will be packaged and uploaded to the artifact library dist. Zip


Pipeline {agent any stages {stage(' checkout ') {steps {checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', Branches: [[name: env.GIT_BUILD_REF]], userRemoteConfigs: [[ url: env.GIT_REPO_URL, credentialsId: Env. CREDENTIALS_ID]]])}} stage(' Custom build process ') {steps {echo 'custom build process start' sh 'NPM install -g CNPM --registry=' sh 'cnpm install' sh 'npm run build' sh 'zip -r dist/*' echo Steps {codingArtifactsGeneric(files: 'dist. Zip ', repoName: "${GENERIC_REPO_NAME}") } } } }Copy the code

Set the trigger rule of the build task to trigger when a new label is pushed

Create an

Open the team continuous deployment page https://${your team}

Create an Application > Select a Host Group for Deployment

Choose Details > New Deployment Process

Configuration products Download > dist. Zip to the specified directory

Add a post-execute script > that will restart the NodeJS service

BASE_FOLDER=$(dirname "$0")
rm -rf ./dist
forever stop server.js
forever start server.js
Copy the code

Configure health Probe > to check whether the service is running properly

Add trigger > Automatically triggers the deployment process when the artifact is updated

And finally the whole process

This way, when a new tag is pushed (manually, of course), the build task is triggered, and the artifact repository dist. Zip is updated to trigger the deployment process.

The deployment process downloads dist. Zip to the specified storage location in the host group list. Run the command to restart the Web service.


The current problems are as follows:

  • The build is still a little slow
  • Build tasks sometimes fail

But the overall is still very easy to use, compared with the previous update deployment, save a lot of mental burden, push just wait, during the can continue to touch the hh