Install the TypeScript compiler

Visual Studio Code includes TypeScript language support, but not the TypeScript compiler TSC. You need to install the TypeScript compiler globally or in the workspace to convert TypeScript source to JavaScript (TSC Helloworld.ts).

The easiest way to install TypeScript is through NPM, the Node.js package manager, with -g indicating a global installation.

The installation

npm install -g typescript
Copy the code

Check the version – If the installation is successful, the version information is displayed

tsc --version
Copy the code
xm@xm-Vostro-3670:~/project$TSC --version version 3.3.3333Copy the code

newHelloWorldThe folder andhello_world.tsfile

mkdir HelloWorld
Copy the code
const text:string = 'hello world';
Copy the code

New Tsconfig. Json

  "compilerOptions": {
      "target": "es5"."module": "commonjs"."outDir": "out"."sourceMap": true}}Copy the code

The new task

Tenimal->Run Task


Configuration is complete

Press theF5

An extra out folder is found in the directory. The configuration is “outDir”: “out”, and the DEBUG CONSOLE outputs Hello world.

Modify thetextSave the pressF5