
Just as an administrator needs to create different users for the application after the Linux operating system is installed, so does the K8S/OKD/ OpenShift cluster. In the OKD/ OpenShift cluster, we can integrate the OpenLDAP directory system as shown below.

OpenLDAPThe installation

This article uses Helm to install OpenLDAP. First, download the Chars for easy viewing:

git clone

Optional. Latest image can be pushed to a private repository first:

Docker pull osixia/openldap: 1.2.1 docker tag docker. IO/osixia/openldap: 1.2.1 okd - lr. Zyl. IO: 5001 / osixia/openldap: 1.2.1 Docker push okd - lr. Zyl. IO: 5001 / osixia/openldap: 1.2.1

The image is run as root (gosudo toggle) with the following privileges:

oc new-project auth-openshift
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default

Customize the OpenLDAP char parameter:

cd charts/stable/openldap cp values.yaml values_cs.yaml vi values_cs.yaml ... Env: # LDAP creates dc=zyl,dc= IO domain, zyl Inc. LDAP_ORGANISATION: "zyl Inc." LDAP_DOMAIN: "zyl. # AdminPassword (CN =admin, DC =zyl, DC = IO) AdminPassword: Config # Persistent storage. This example uses the already created GlusterFS storage system, which supports dynamic provisionability. persistence: enabled: true storageClass: "glusterfs-app" accessMode: ReadWriteOnce size: 8Gi

Execute the HELM command to install:

helm install --name openldap -f values_cs.yaml .

After LDAP is started, domain dc=zyl,dc= IO and HDB admin accounts CN =admin,dc=zyl,dc= IO are created. Create user and group information in this field, as shown below:

% oc rsh deploy/openldap % cat > users.ldif <<EOF dn: ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io ou: People objectClass: top objectClass: organizationalUnit dn: ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=io ou: Group objectClass: top objectClass: organizationalUnit dn: uid=zyl,ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io uid: zyl cn: zyl objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword: changeme loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 5000 gidNumber: 5000 homeDirectory: /home/zyl dn: uid=admin,ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io uid: admin cn: admin objectClass: account objectClass: posixAccount objectClass: top objectClass: shadowAccount userPassword: changeme loginShell: /bin/bash uidNumber: 5001 gidNumber: 5001 homeDirectory: /home/admin dn: cn=zyl,ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=io cn: zyl objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup gidNumber: 5000 memberUid: zyl dn: cn=admin,ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=io cn: admin objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup gidNumber: 5001 memberUid: admin dn: cn=openshift_user,ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=io cn: openshift_user objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup gidNumber: 6000 memberUid: zyl dn: cn=openshift_admin,ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=io cn: openshift_admin objectClass: top objectClass: posixGroup gidNumber: 6001 memberUid: admin EOF % ldapadd -x -w $LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD -D "cn=admin,dc=zyl,dc=io" -H ldapi:/// -f users.ldif % ldapsearch -x -D "Cn =admin,dc=zyl,dc= IO" -w $LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD \ -b dc=zyl,dc= IO # "cn=admin,cn=config" -w $LDAP_CONFIG_PASSWORD \ -b cn=config "olcDatabase=config"


If OPENSHIFT_MASTER_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS is not configured during the initial installation, OKD defaults to the following authentication, which allows any user to log into the cluster.

% vi /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml 
  - challenge: true
    login: true
    mappingMethod: claim
    name: allow_all
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider

Delete the following section from all Master configurations:

  - challenge: true
    login: true
    mappingMethod: claim
    name: allow_all
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: AllowAllPasswordIdentityProvider

Replace it with the following paragraph:

- challenge: true login: true mappingMethod: claim name: ldap_auth provider: apiVersion: v1 attributes: email: - mail id: - dn name: - cn preferredUsername: - uid bindDN: cn=admin,dc=zyl,dc=io bindPassword: admin insecure: true kind: LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider url: ldap://openldap.auth-openshift.svc.cluster.local./ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io? uid

Note: If TLS was enabled, I would provide the OpenLDAP certificate by adding ca: my-ldap-ca.crt and then copy the certificate to /etc/origin/ Master /my-ldap-ca.crt.

OSEV3.YAML in Ansible configuration file adds the following section to avoid being restored when upgrading.

##### Auth openshift_master_identity_providers: - name: ldap_auth challenge: true login: true kind: LDAPPasswordIdentityProvider bindDN: cn=admin,dc=zyl,dc=io bindPassword: admin url: ldap://openldap.auth-openshift.svc.cluster.local./ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io? uid attributes: id: ['dn'] email: ['mail'] name: ['cn'] preferredUsername: ['uid'] insecure: true

Then restart the Master node respectively:

Master-logs API is a server that can be accessed by the server server. The server is a server that can be accessed by the server server server controllers controllers

synchronousLDAPGroup information toOKDon

Create the following file:

cat > rfc2307_config_user_defined.yaml <<EOF
kind: LDAPSyncConfig
apiVersion: v1
bindDN: cn=admin,dc=zyl,dc=io
bindPassword: admin
insecure: true
url: ldap://openldap.auth-openshift.svc.cluster.local
  "cn=openshift_admin,ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=cn": openshift_admin
  "cn=openshift_user,ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=cn": openshift_user
        baseDN: "ou=Group,dc=zyl,dc=io"
        scope: sub
        derefAliases: never
        filter: (objectClass=posixGroup)
    groupUIDAttribute: dn
    groupNameAttributes: [ cn ]
    groupMembershipAttributes: [ memberUid ] 
        baseDN: "ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io"
        scope: sub
        derefAliases: never
        filter: (objectClass=posixAccount)
    userUIDAttribute: uid
    userNameAttributes: [ cn ]

Execute the following command to synchronize:

% oc adm groups sync --sync-config=rfc2307_config_user_defined.yaml --confirm group/zyl group/admin group/openshift_user  group/openshift_admin

OpenSHIFT_ADMIN as the administrator group and OpenSHIFT_USER as the ordinary user group are empowered:

oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-group cluster-admin openshift_admin oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-group basic-user  openshift_user

Login User:

oc login -uadmin -pchangeme

After the user logs in, OKD generates its own user corresponding to LDAP:

% oc get groups
NAME              USERS
admin             admin
openshift_admin   admin
openshift_user    zyl
zyl               zyl                

% oc get users
NAME      UID                                    FULL NAME   IDENTITIES
admin     3c4ae0bf-338c-11e9-b2f8-52540042814f   admin       ldap_auth:uid=admin,ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io

% oc get identities
NAME                                         IDP NAME    IDP USER NAME                      USER NAME   USER UID
ldap_auth:uid=admin,ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io   ldap_auth   uid=admin,ou=People,dc=zyl,dc=io   admin       3c4ae0bf-338c-11e9-b2f8-52540042814f

Reference documentation

  • OpenLDAP Helm Chart:…;
  • osixia/openldap:…;