Recently, a college girl who just started her job asked me if there was any solution to data loss and asked me to recommend a computer data recovery software to her. It turned out that when she was making a copy of the file, she accidentally deleted it. Therefore, I recommended EasyRecovery, the computer data recovery software THAT I often use, to her. After simply telling her the operation method, she recovered the data by herself.

Eayrecovery can be downloaded for free at

In fact, it often happens that files are deleted by mistake in our work, so today I am going to recommend this computer data recovery software to you, hoping to be helpful to your work.

EasyRecovery what is * * * *

EasyRecovery is a classic computer data recovery tool, EasyRecovery has data recovery, disk diagnosis, clone disk, E-mail repair and other functions. It is no exaggeration to say that by downloading EasyRecovery you can easily retrieve all kinds of files deleted by mistake. And EasyRecovery recovery ability, high efficiency, it is worth mentioning that it is not only computer data recovery software, other mobile storage devices can be connected to the computer data can also be recovered through EasyRecovery.

How do I get EasyRecovery

EasyRecovery supports Win system and Mac system, divided into personal edition, professional edition and enterprise edition, you can choose your own version download. EasyRecovery downloading is very simple, directly to the Chinese website to download, download address:, installation steps are not complicated, if there is a friend not activate tutorial can be installed directly on the download page view.

Figure 1: Download EasyRecovery

How to use EasyRecovery

EasyRecovery is a very professional computer data recovery software, but its operation is very simple. Open the software and select data Recovery, the software will prompt you to select the recovery content, or you can directly use all the data selected by default, and then click next to select the location from which you want to recover the data.

Figure 2: Select restore content

In the select recovery location step, you can see that your computer disk, if connected to other storage devices, will also be displayed under the connected hard disk. Just check the corresponding position and click scan in the lower right corner to start data scanning.

Figure 3: Select the recovery location

Figure 4: Scanning

After the scan is complete, you can preview the data in the disk or quickly find the data you want to restore in the search box in the upper right corner. After finding the data you want to restore, click Restore in the lower right corner to restore data.

Figure 5: Select the data to restore

Computers are indispensable tools for our daily office work. It is self-evident how valuable the data in computers is, so it is particularly important to prepare a reliable computer data recovery software, which is also the reason for recommending EasyRecovery computer data recovery software today.