Parity check code

Parity check is a simple and effective check method. In this method, the number of 1’s in the code is either technical (odd check) or even (even check) by adding a check bit to the code, thus making the code spacing 2. For the odd digit check, it can detect the odd digit error code, but can not find the even digit error, finally can realize the odd digit jump recognition, while the even digit jump can not be recognized.

Two, Hamming code

2.1 Design Roadmap

Hamming code, designed by Richard Hamming of Bell LABS, is a verification method that uses parity to detect and correct errors. The method is to insert k check bits into the specific unknown between the data bits, and to realize error detection and correction by enlarging the code distance.

2.2 Solution Steps

The error-correcting ability of Hamming code is 1 bit, and the error-detecting ability is 2 bits.

Cyclic redundancy check code

To be added