The componentization of a person

Componentized development can improve the long-term productivity of teams, even if there is only one person.

Component isolation, module debugging

Android Component Modularization in Mobile Application Development (Preface)

Restrict each library to relying only on framework code and add a uniform debugging shell to it, rather than turning into an app, wasting conversion time and not having to write two manifest files.

A brief introduction to Gradle will help you build your projects faster.

Gradle projects are built in three phases: initialization, configuration, and execution. When debugging, load only modules that need debugging or joint debugging to speed up the build a bit.


Gradle initializes Gradle by looking for setting. Gradle.

  1. To find thesetting.gradleFile.
  2. If not, go to one that has the same nesting level as the current directorymasterDirectory lookup.
  3. If not, go to the parent directory.
  4. If not, proceed to a single-project build.
  5. If found, Gradle checks the current project insettings.gradleIs there a definition in. If not, do a single-project build, otherwise do a multi-project build.

Multi-project projects must have setting.gradle files in the root directory. Single-project projects do not need this file.

In this file we configure the Library we need to debug

include ':app'
/ / necessary
include ': necessary XXX '
// Shell app to load Library
gradle.ext.isAppMap =
        [/** -1; 0 libaray; 1 APP*/
         ': placeholder' : 2 -.':libraryA': 0.':libraryB': - 1,
gradle.ext.isDebug = true
gradle.ext.debugModelApp = false
for (String libraryName : gradle.ext.isAppMap.keySet()) {
	if. Decide whether to load libaray}Copy the code

The build of the app. Gradle

. dependencies { ...for (String modelName : gradle.ext.isAppMap.keySet()) {
        if (gradle.ext.isDebug) {
            if (gradle.ext.isAppMap.get(modelName) == 0) {
                implementation project(modelName)
        } else {
            implementation project(modelName)
Copy the code

Build. gradle for each library

switch (rootProject.getLoadType(getName())) {
    case - 1:
    case 0:
        apply plugin: ''
Copy the code

The new config. Gradle

ext {
    android = [
            compileSdkVersion : 29. ] }def config =
// Related library dependencies
subprojects {
    afterEvaluate { mProject ->
        if (mProject.hasProperty('android')) {
            android {
                compileSdkVersion config.compileSdkVersion
                defaultConfig {
                    if (mProject.getName().equals('app')) {
                        applicationId "applicationId"
                    minSdkVersion config.minSdkVersion
                    targetSdkVersion config.targetSdkVersion
        dependencies {
Copy the code

In the root project build. Gradle

apply from: "config.gradle"
Copy the code

In this way, creating a new Module requires little configuration. Code can be implemented in this Modulen, and ARouter can be used for different library page jumps, etc.

. To be continued…