We listed several possible causes and solutions for the failure of the flow.ci iOS build, which will be updated in the future

Introduce unofficial Pod sources

Flow. ci currently only supports Pod official sources, if a third party Pod source is used in the project, such as github.com/aliyun/aliy… See this article >> How to use unofficial (Github) Pod source in iOS Flow. Ci.

When Pod install occursRe-creating CocoaPods due to major version update.error

  • Reinitialize the Pod file in the projectpod init
  • Enter the imported Pod dependency in the target block of the new Podfile
  • Once you have uploaded your Podfile to your Git repository, the installation will be successful

Certificate issues at build time

  • The Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 10.3’ usually this error is caused by the incorrect certificate uploaded to flow.ci, If the scheme is incorrectly configured, the build fails. Check whether scheme and Configuraiton are configured in the ‘Build’ step, and whether the certificates corresponding to these configurations are the same as those uploaded. For details about how to configure the certificate, see the iOS Certificate Setup Guide in this document.

  • Valid iOS Distribution signing belonging to Team XXXX were found Does not match FLOW_IOS_EXPORT_METHOD in the current ‘build’ step

Such as:

  • Displayed during the initialization stepiPhone Developer, corresponding toFLOW_IOS_EXPORT_METHODCan I do fordevelopment

  • Displayed during the initialization stepiPhone Distribution, corresponding toFLOW_IOS_EXPORT_METHODCan I do forad-hoc.app-store

    Please check the items usedProvisioning Profiles & Certificates, the type of the certificate (iOS Development/iOS Distribution) that has been uploaded to flow.ci.

For more frequently asked questions, see the FAQ in the flow.ci document.