The common Linux commands in the last article sorted out the common Linux commands, and is continuing to supplement, today ready to sort out the common Linux command line shortcut keys, or the same reason, just want to record, operation, let more impressive, easy to find their own copy. And these commands must have the same effect, so I borrowed them directly from others.

Without further ado, let’s have a look!

First, mobile class

shortcuts role
Ctrl + left and right keys Move the word forward and backward
Ctrl + A or Home Move to command line (a: ahead)
Ctrl + E or End Move to end of command line (e: end)
Ctrl + F or right arrow key Move forward by character (f: forward)
Ctrl + B or left arrow key Move backward by character (b: Backward)
Ctrl + x x Move the cursor to the top of the line. Press again to jump the cursor back to the current position

Second, editing class

shortcuts role
Tab auto-complete
Ctrl + i auto-complete
Ctrl + d Deletes a character backwards from the cursor
Ctrl + h Removes a character from the cursor forward
Ctrl + w Cut/delete from the cursor to the prefix
Ctrl + u Cut/delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl + k Cut/delete from the cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl + y Paste the useCtrl + u Ctrl + k Ctrl + wCut/delete text
Alt + d Delete from cursor to suffix
Ctrl + t Swaps characters at and before the cursor
Alt + t Swap the word before and at the cursor
Alt + c Change the uppercase word from the cursor
Alt + u Change the word from the cursor to all caps
Alt + l Change from cursor to all lowercase words
Ctrl + o Execute the current command and select the previous command
Ctrl + l Clear the screenclear
Alt + Backspace Delete the previous word

Third, control class

shortcuts role
Ctrl + s Blocking screen output
Ctrl + q Allow screen output
Ctrl + c Terminate the command
Ctrl + z Hang the command
Ctrl+d You can exit the terminal if the command line is empty
Ctrl+[ It’s the Esc key

Iv. History

shortcuts role
Ctrl+ P or up arrow key Last used history command (p: previous)
Ctrl+ N or down arrow key The next history command to use (n: next)
Ctrl + r Reverse search command history (R: Retrieve)
Ctrl + G or Esc Exit the historical search mode
Alt + . Use the last argument of the previous command

May continue to update!

Bash shortcut keys