Common HTTP status codes

1 xx notice

2 xx success

  1. 200- Request successful

3 xx redirection

  1. 301- Resources (web pages) are permanently transferred to another URL
  2. 304- Unmodified. The requested page has not been modified since the last request. When the server returns this response, the page content is not returned

4XX Client error

  1. 401- Unauthorized request requires authentication. The server may return this response to a requested web page after login
  2. 403- Access denied. Insufficient permissions
  3. 404- Requested resource (web page, etc.) does not exist
  4. 405- Method Disable Server disables the method specified in the request
  5. 409- Sends this response code when the client attempts to perform an operation that will cause one or more resources to be in an inconsistent state.

5XX Server error

  1. 500- Internal server error